Year 1-Of Pubs and Alleys (edited)

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"Meh"- Nation tongue
"Ah"-other language
Peter Kirkland sighed as he fingered the weird locket given to him. He was sitting inside a pub called 'the Leaky Cauldron' waiting for his cousin Ned (Netherlands) to come back.

After learning he had magic, he was ecstatic. Finally, a chance to prove that he was the mighty Sealand. If he learns magic, he could become a nation, right?

Everyone else of his siblings: Amelia (USA),Jett (Australia), Miguel (Brazil), and Blake (New Zealand) had already learned magic ages ago. In fact, it was tradition for nations to relearn magic every 200 years or so.

Unfortunately, all that happened was him given a locket that alters his age, it would change him back to his normal age when taken off, and sitting in a dusty pub.

Suddenly, Ned came back followed by a Chinese boy, a Mideterannean boy, and a German girl-boy.

Peter looked at them oddly, wondering what they were doing here. Before he could say anything, the german beat him to it.

"Ve are learning magick as vell. Vell, Vei (Wei) could learn magick in Asia."

Wei, Macau, answered the unasked question. "That's because Western magic is a bit different then Asian magic. I already know how to do Asian magic. I just want to learn Western magic."

Ned quickly drag them to the backdoor of the pub making them face a brick wall.

"There's nothing here." Tarkan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, stated confused. Everyone else was thinking the same question.

Instead of responding, Ned pulled out a stick-wait wand, and tap several of the bricks revealing the formerly hidden diagon alley.
After stopping by Gringotts bank, which was runned by creatures called goblins, the micronations were led to a shop called Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions.

"You will all go there and get your robes fitted. Once done, meet me at Flourish and Blotts. I will be getting the rest of your stuff." Ned stated, leaving them as soon as he finished talking and handing Niko (Kugelmugel) the money for their robes.

Inside, they were greeted by a witch who they presumed as Madam Malkins to be fitted. It took a while to finish, mostly because both Wei and Tarkan's long sleeves getting in the way.

It was a bit funny at how Madam Malkin thought Niko was a girl until told otherwise. The micronations sans Niko laugh at the reaction. Atleast, Niko didn't have to pay for his robes as an apology for thinking he was a she.

The last thing left for them was to get their wands, which prove to be harder than they thought. It took over a hundred wands for each of them to have the right wand.

Once finish, Ned drag them away before they could cause more damage at the wand store and back to muggle London, not caring that he didn't got them a pet.

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