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"Hey"- talking
'Sup'- thinking
"Oi"- nation tongue
"Nihao"- foreign language
"Lumos"- spells
The next day, Tarkan got up early and started doing his morning routine. By the time he was done, which is a long time since his routine included an hour of prayers, the boys in his dormitory started waking up.

"Morning, breakfast will be over in an hour." Tarkan said leaving them. The wizards were wide awake after he said that.

Tarkan sat down the table. His dormmates all came to the Great Hall a short time later.

"Hullo, Tarkan. What's your dormmates like? Mine all talks too much about blood purity and blood traitors." Peter greeted the gryffindor. Sitting down the gryffindor table, Peter continued talking (read:complaning) about his dormmates.

"Hey, you can't sit here." Ron said.

"Why not?" Peter asked confused.

"Because your a Slytherin." Ron said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That is not a good excuse. Nihao, Tarkan, nihao, Peter." Wei said dragging Niko along.

"Zhere is nozhing in zhe rulebook stating zhat students must sit in zhere respective house table, after zhe first day." Niko stated glaring at Ron.

"Alright, let bygones be bygones. You lot can sit here if you want to." Harry said trying to calm them down.

Mail came shortly afterwards via owls. An owl with tons of letters drop off in front of Peter.

"Blimey, that's a lot of letters." Ron exclaimed, even he didn't get that many.

"They're not all mine." Peter said giving some of the letters to the other micronations. They were all mostly congratulations on their houses.

Soon it was time for their lessons.
The Gryffindors and Slytherins first lessons were History of Magic. They were all taught by a ghost. It was fun when Binns first entered but afterwards nobody cared. Tarkan wonders if any of the nations know how to exorcise. If so, are they willing to teach him? It was that boring.
Potions was nice to know, if only the teacher was also nice. Snape had asked Harry questions that a Ravenclaw or someone older only knew.

When they were told to pair, Tarkan paired up with Peter. The rest of the class were shock when they done that. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin pair, unheard of.

It was a good thing actually. Peter was discovered to be a potions prodigy and Tarkan was able to finish his potion without having to worry that his partner might accidentally blow up the lab. The same could not be said to Harry, Ron, and Neville.
Charms was a fun class. Professor Flitwick was funny, encouraging, and kind. Tarkan admits that the short teacher was his favorite so far. He taught them the theory first, before letting them do the spell.

Charms is probably one of the only lessons where they learned something without pressure or boredom.
Transfiguration was being taught by Professor McGonagall. It was an interesting class taught in the same manner as Charms.

"Well done, Ms. Granger. 10 points to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall congratulated. They were trying to transfigure a matchstick to a needle.

"Well done too, Mr. Kirkland. 10 points to Slytherin." Was what Professor McGonagall said a second later.

"Actually, it's Lisbõa." Peter corrected.

"Excuse me?" The professor said, confused. She wasn't the only one. All the other witches and wizards were looking at Peter like he grew a second head.

"My last name is Lisbõa. Kirkland is my mother's maiden name." Peter clarified. "My father is portuguese. They start with the father's family name, then mother's maiden name, then father's mother's maiden name, then mother's mother's maiden name and so on."

The reactions in their faces were hilarious. Tarkan had to control himself from laughing out loud. He was supposed to be the broody one.
Defense Against the Dark Arts was the only class were all students of the same year take together. Professon Quirrel was a stuttering teacher and Tarkan was sure that what he was teaching them was wrong.

"Zhat is not how you defend yourself against a vampire." Niko stated. He is the micronation with the most knowledge at dark creatures due to Romania's love for anything with sharp teeth, fangs, or claws.

All the micronations sat at the back of the room listening to Quirrel's story.

"Well, it's no wonder why he ran away from the country." Wei said dryly.
Flying lessons seems interesting. Tarkan admitted to never had flown in a broom before, the magical flying transportation were either magic carpets or flying shoes.

Madame Hooch ordered all of them to form two lines. Tarkan paid attention to her instructions before doing it.

He smiled when his broom went up his hand, Peter grinned next to him. Peter was one of the only students to get it in the first try.

As Madame Hooch told them tha next part of their lesson, Neville's broom started to fly with him in it.

"Mr. Longbottom, are you alright?" Madame Hooch asked after Neville fall of from his broom. "All of you stay here! I will be taking Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. If I see anyone flying they will be punished!"

After she and Neville left, Malfoy decided to stir trouble which eventually lead to Professor McGonagall to take Harry with her.

Tarkan hoped that Harry would be fine.

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