Chapter 1: Welcome to the Erebonia Empire

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// Eternal Abyss, Upper Plane //

A simple but also extremely pure soul sails alone and without purpose in the Eternal depths of the kingdom of gods, and it is that of Yuno Luno, my soul to make it simple you wonder how my soul got here.

A rather banal story but I'll stop you right there if you think I was hit by a truck, that's far from reality I suffered something much more horrible, I died after successfully stopping a suicide attack in a big supermarket

It all started when I was on the school's day off, I bought the latest Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV, I was so excited because I was waiting for this game to come out over a year ago, I was going to have a good day playing in my room but no, I had to have morons come and spoil it all, but not just any morons, internationally wanted terrorists, and how I know all this, well my older sister is an investigator in the Police Terrorist Affairs and that one day as it was my job to clean the house I saw the case file that was lying around on the living room table so like all the good little brothers I am I looked inside and memorized all the elements of the case in my little head.

I immediately took a picture of the suspects and contacted my sister trying not to lose sight of them all while remaining discreet, in my family everyone has to undergo military training at a very young age thanks to this today, I am one of the most famous high school detective in Japan with several investigations to my credit all over the world.

I managed to guide the intervention team to intercept them, when they were arrested I don't know why but it was too easy one of them started smiling at that moment I had a bad feeling I immediately pushed my sister who handcuffed the group leader then BOOOM

This bastard has a bomb inside him as for me I found myself half-burned on a part of my body losing my blood before dying I told my sister one last time that she is the best sister I could have and to live happily this is my last wish and to say sorry to the parents before giving my last breath with a smile.

And that's how I ended up here when I regained consciousness

"I'm gonna wander around like this for how long if anyone can hear me, please get me out of here."

No answer and I keep floating for months while I review all my basic knowledge, review how to build a motorcycle, remember all the criminal cases I have led for the 1001 times to pass the time and then suddenly a white light rushes me into a clean room with a table in the middle with a pile of paper I approach the table and start reading the papers


Dear Mr. Yuno Luno

If you read this letter it is because you survived the eternal abyss, sorry not to have been able to take care of your case right away but I was too busy with other souls that when I heard about your situation I wondered by what miracle you fell into the eternal abyss. To make me forgiven and congratulate you for having survived this little journey I let you choose to be able to reincarnate in a world of your choice with the background you want with three wishes and no system or Gamer otherwise it would be too easy but on the other hand you will have access to an interface to see your stats and an inventory but know that thanks to your little trip in the abysses your soul is stronger than that of a normal person and it comes with some advantage 

that you will have to discover by yourself




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