She looked terrible. And, I felt even worse for letting her feel like this. I've been supplying her for months, always running out of money just to keep her from going insane. She was nodding off, her head swaying with its own rhythm. I would die inside if she overdosed. I really didn't want this to happen, but things escalated higher than the limit itself. This whole thing started at a party. Some guy slipped a Xanax in her drink, and she ended up being tripped out. By the time I got her out of the party, she was crying about some dog that she lost years ago. Then, she was wandering off, and I didn't find her until 3 in the morning. She was hiding in some dumpster. That's when she got hooked to drugs. But, it wasn't bad, then. They were just pills to keep her up and running. She was only taking Xanax at the time. Then, she switched drastically to Ecstacy, and soon enough LCD. Then, things got worse. Pills turned into powder. She was already on pills, so when she started on Meth and Cocaine, she was gone. She would just shut me out. And when she needed a new supply of her habit, I would be stupid enough to give it to her. I love her so much, but this has got to stop. And, I'm stopping it now.