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Suhana's Pov...

After turning and tossing on bed for almost like an hour, I finally gave up on trying to sleep and sat back straight resting my head on the head board.

Turning towards the night stand to fetch the glass of water, my eyes suddenly landed on the sofa or more precisely on the person sleeping on it.

I slowly and steadily stepped down from the bed and moved towards the sleeping figure of Aksh in small steps.

I reached out my hand towards his forehead to brush away the hair strands which were falling on his eyes and maybe disturbing his beautiful sleep.

I was about to move away, when I noticed that how small the sofa was in comparison to Aksh's height and how much difficulty he had to go through to sleep on it.

Feeling really very guilty and bad for Aksh, I thought to wake him up and ask him to sleep on the bed but soon gave up on the idea when realised that he was really in a deep slumber and waking him now will only make him restless.

So, feeling bit downhearted, I strolled towards the balcony and moved out after sliding the glass door.

As soon as I stepped out, a wave of cool breeze welcomed me which made my hair fly freely with its flow

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As soon as I stepped out, a wave of cool breeze welcomed me which made my hair fly freely with its flow.

This moment reminded me of my time in Delhi, when at night I used to sit by the window along with my ...adrak wali chai... and think about my life.

Frankly stating these four days in Chandigarh with family... were the most beautiful days of my life.

These people not even for once made me feel like an outsiders, though they cared for me and loved me as much as they love Kirti and Aksh.




This name alone gives me goosebumps and now that whatever happened later in party made me more anxious around him.

Events of the night started running in the back of my mind like a movie.


"I really like you Suhana. I think I am falling for you."

As Aksh uttered these words, I went all dumbstruck.

Words refused to came out from my mouth.

I literally for a minute or two stared him with wide eyes and opened mouth.

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