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We went on our first mission on Friday of the second week of school. I had a knife since I had no quirk. When we got to UA we hid out. I saw Kacchan and decide to follow him quietly, making sure I wasn't seen. The group told me this was just a research mission so i had to stay out of sight. I knew it was Kacchan's lunch break but where was he going. He went out into a court yard but no one was there other than us. I hid in a bush and watched him sit down and start eating. Why was Kacchan alone? I was about to leave but i saw him take out a piece of paper. It had a name on the back but i was too far away to see what it said. I wanted to get closer, but how? It was then that i realized i was trapped. I couldn't leave the place i was hiding without Kacchan seeing me. I moved my self so I could sit down, knowing i'd be there for a while. I guess Kacchan heard me moving because next thing i knew he had gotten up, leaving his stuff on the bench, and had walked over to me. He was looking down on me. "Deku? What are you doing here?" Kacchan asked me as he moved closer, knelling down to look into my eyes. "Why did you leave me, nerd?" KAcchan asked me but I didnt know how to respond.

Kacchan grabed me by the hand and pulled me towards the doors. When i finally found my voice I said, " Please dont turn me in Kacchan." He looked at me as if I were the most idiotic person in Japan, " Turn you in? I'm hiding you dumbass, ill take you to my house after school." Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to see that shigiraki had texted me. Shiggy: Where are you? Are you ok? Did you get lost? I stared at my phone for a second and texted him back. Deku: I'm with an old friend, im fine dont worry I'll explain later, I'll be back sometime tonight. I looked at Kacchan as he pulled me. Somehow the halls were empty. He led me into a janitors closet and turned on the light. He kissed me and I felt my face turn red. "Stay in here, I'll get you after school." I nodded and he left, shutting the door behind himself. At first I was scared someone would find me and take me to jail but after a few hours i knew id be fine. I looked at my phone and saw that Kacchan would be out of school any minute now. I hoped he hadnt forgotten me. I texted my mom to tell her i was fine and she told me to be safe. A few seconds later Kacchan came in and picked me up. " Kacchan, I can walk by myself. " I said but he kept walking.

When we got to his house he put me down so he could open the door. I looked around since I hadnt been here in forever. We adnt talked much on the way here so i decided to break the silence. "Kacchan... you know im a vilian right, you shouldnt be hanging out with me." He just nodded and opened the door, dragging me inside and throwing me onto the couch. I was very confused. Why was kacchan being nice to me? I started mumbling but was pulled from my thoughts by kacchan, who was now hugging me. I looked slightly up to see him but he took that as an advantage. He pulled me into a soft kiss. I kissed back. He pulled awy and we stayed there for a minute, silent. "Kacchan... You just ... and I ... we... Kacchan!" My face turned bright red. " Deku I like you ... I have liked you since we were kids." I looked at him wide eyed at what he just said. " But kacchan, I'm a villian and your a hero ... we cant be together like that, can we?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "I dont care deku. Will you be my secret boyfriend, No one has to know!" I nodded and hugged him tightly. I didn't realize until he wiped my tears but i had started crying. We fell asleep there.

Mrs. Bakugo woke me up that night when she got home. (of course after taking pictures to send to Inko) At first i was frightned, then confused as to why I was at Kacchans house, and finnaly i was worried about my mom. I thanked her for waking me and asked her to tell Kacchan thaat I had left. " Of course honey but first I have a question. Are you and my brat a thing?" I blushed brightly and started to mumble about how me and Kacchan were still discussing that topic and could not answer that question at the time because I honesty didn't know.She stopped me, " Its ok if you don't know midoria, tell your mom i said hi, ok?" I agreed and walked to the door. I looked back at kacchan with a smile before opening the door and walking out.

When I arrived back at the hideout everyone was 'in bed', other wise known as Dabi and Shigaraki fucking in one of their rooms my mom laying in bed on her phone and everyone else doing other things, few actually sleeping. I knocked on my moms door and she softly said, " Come in." I opened the door and walked over to her. "What did you two do? Fuck?" she asked and my face turned red as I kept saying no over and over. She laughed at my response and told me she was kidding. I asked how she knew I was with Kacchan and she showed me the pictures Mitsuki had taken. My face turned even more red and I wanted to curl into a ball. I looked her in the eyes and she asked a question that I knew I could answer. "Are you gay Izuku?" I looked at her and shook my head "Bi... I'm Bi meaning i like guys and girls." She nodded to let me know she understood and I went to bed.

That night I dreamed of Kacchan and knew I had to go back to his house. I woke up to the sunlight coming into my window and went to the bar for breakfast. My mom always cooked breakfast unless she was sick but in that case Kurugiri would make something. My mother had made pancakes and they were delicious. Suddenly my phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID but it was unknown. I answered the phone and heard Kacchan's voice. He told me to come over because his mom wasn't home and it was Saturday. I asked my mom and she said go ahead, not knowing what Kacchan was planning. I pocketed my phone and walked a little while to get to Kacchan's house.

     I knocked on the door and he pulled me inside. He shut the door and pushed me against the wall. He pulled me into a rough kiss. At first I was too surprised to move but when I found the strength I pushed him off me. "Kacchan! Don't do that!" he looked at me, anger on his face. I wanted to run away but I didn't want to ruin our relationship. He came closer and hugged me in a tight, warm hug.I hugged back. "Sorry Kacchan but I'm just ready for anything like earlier, I'm still very young mentally." Kacchan nodded and kissed my cheek.

Note: sorry it took so long to write this, I was really busy with school. I promise to post more. Wednesdays are the days I dont have anything so I'm hoping to post on wednesdays. Hope you guys enjoyed this story. Bye !

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