Creepy True Horror Story

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I was house-sitting for my grandma one weekend while she went to Florida with some of her church friends. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom next to her room. The guest bedroom always had two twin beds inside of it that my brother and I would sleep in when we had sleepovers at her house. I took the bed next to the window but before getting into bed I checked all the doors making sure they were locked. When I did get into bed it was early and I didn't actually go to sleep for a while. There wasn't much to do at my grandma's house. I was just on my phone for an hour or two watching videos, texting people, whatever. That's when I thought I could start hearing someone's voice outside. It sounded like a woman's voice saying "hello". I left the bedroom and inched my way closer to the front door, moving slowly because I was trying to listen. It was a woman's voice just going "hello" like every ten seconds. As I got closer to the front door I realized that's where it seemed to be coming from. My grandmas door doesn't have a peephole but the windows in her dining room gave a clear view of the front porch, so I went over to that window to attempt to get a view of who was out there. I tried peeking my head in between the plastic blinds without making it obvious but I guess I didn't do a good job of that because when I looked I did see a woman on my grandmas stoop and she was looking right at me as if she knew I was going to be looking through those blinds. Once again she said "hello" with some freakish smile on her face. This woman was older but don't picture her as some innocent looking small old lady. She looked liked she was maybe late 50s, early 60s, and something about her face just skeeved me out. I moved away from the window and thought maybe it was one of my grandmas friends. It was midnight thought, why would anyone come to the door this late and why wouldn't she knock or ring the bell, why was she just standing out there going "hello" over and over. I was genuinely unsettled. I just went back to the guest bedroom and shut the door. Now with the door shut as opposed to before I couldn't hear the woman anymore, maybe who was that or she just decided to leave. I started texting everyone about it. My sisters, my friends, telling them how bizarre it was but a good amount of time passed in silence and I was starting to calm down. My sisters were telling me to call grandma but there was a 0% chance she was awake and she barely ever even checks her cell phone anyway. Just like that something broke the silence, a banging at the window, not a knocking or tapping. I felt  that fierce pain in my chest area as my body entered that fight-or-flight mode. Shortly after the banging stops I heard that familiar voice saying "hello". With that boost of adrenaline I guess I had the extra confidence to grab the blinds and push it up. There I was face-to-face with this horrifying older lady with only a thin layer of glass between us. I screamed at her smiling gross face "I'm calling the cops". I pulled the blinds back down and ran back outside to the living room. I looked around the house, then ran upstairs to box myself into the upstairs guest bedroom. I didn't want to actually call the cops. I don't know why I wanted to just wait it out. I crawled into the bed in the upstairs guest bedroom and tucked myself under the covers. A couple hours later I was still awake and I finally, only then went back downstairs to look outside each window. That freaky old lady seemed to be gone. That morning I called my grandma and told her what happened. She started yelling into the phone clearly panicking and distressed. She told me how a few days earlier she was being watched in the grocery store by some woman about 10 years younger than her who just kept smiling at her for no reason. I told her to calm down. I didn't entirely know whether to correlate the two or not but when we eventually got off the phone with each other. I did have to give it a second thought. My grandma is 75 and she has lost a bit of her wits so I do have to take some of the things she says with a grain of salt, but the way she yelled into the phone about the woman on the store really gave me the chills. I still wonder if it could have been the same person.

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