Field Trip Horror Story

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In seventh grade we took an end-of-the-year field trip to an aquarium near school. It was called Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. We live in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a literal mountain town with nothing, but hills and mountains as far as the eyes can see. Our science teacher Mr. Russo was our chaperone for the trip. He was a very lacks teacher so while other teacher chaperones were more uptight and strict with their groups. Mr. Russo was more chill about his job. That may seem like a good thing, but because of his lackadaisical approach at supervising my friend Aidan and I were able to easily bail from the aquarium lobby, away from the rest of the groups. We quite simply didn't want to wait so long for all the groups to move. The whole aquarium was empty except for our classes, so when Aidan and I walked through the passageways or I guess observation areas as you would say, before everyone else we didn't see anyone else. We got the best views at all the big fish tanks and habitats. We moved on to the next dark room, all of which were lit up with a dark blue tint from the fish tanks, by the way. This room had a lot of big tanks with tropical fish. We were making jokes about Finding Nemo fish like clownfish and the dory fish and that's when I remember someone calling "hey" to us in a very assertive commanding voice. It was some guy in cargo shorts and a green t-shirt. He asked us if were with the field trip. I was about to shake my head no but Aiden said "yes". The man told us to come with him right now. We both assumed he worked for the aquarium so we followed. He wasn't leading us back to the lobby though. He was leading us through some narrow dark hallways. I remember passing the bathrooms and a few exit signs hanging on the ceiling before reaching an exit door. He led us outside to some back area, guess by the woods. I finally asked if he worked there and where he was leading us. He said "yes", he did work there and that he had to drive us back around to the front of the aquarium in order to be let back in. It made just as much sense back then as it does now but we were two nervous seventh graders who thought we were about to get in serious trouble so when he led us to his car we willingly got in the back seats. He told us to strap in and he pulled out from the back parking lot and onto the street. Just as we thought he was gonna make a right turn towards the front, he turned left. Right away both Aiden and I asked him where he was going at the same time. He didn't answer that question, but about five seconds later we heard the locks to the back doors click down and he made some kind of threat along the lines of "if either of you try to make any moves I'll kill you". He then proceeded to slide out what appeared to be a big knife in his glove box as some kind of threat. Aiden and I sat in silence, I'm sure he wanted to throw up just like I wanted to. We had to think of a way to escape but we couldn't talk to each other because the man kept looking in the rear view mirror every other second. He was driving us uphill through some woodsy isolated neighborhood until he finally pulled over onto the side of the road and what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, no houses, no through traffic. He told us to stay in the car as he got out with his knife in his hand. I whisper to Aiden to be prepared to run as soon as I said to. The man came to my door, popped it open and told me to step out. He told me to tell my friend that if he wants me alive he better be in the car by the time we got back. I felt a deepening feeling in my stomach when I heard that. The man started walking me to the woods with the knife, probably in his pocket to do god knows what. I saw Aiden sliding over to my side of the car which had an unlocked door and when he seemed ready to run, I screamed "run!" Aiden was off already running downhill. I easily dodged that man as I fled past him following Aiden. The man tried chasing us on foot and I'm not even kidding when I say he threw the knife at me. He missed with only maybe a few inches to spare. I heard the changing of the knife hitting the ground ahead of me. I didn't stop to pick it up, I just kept running downhill in the direction we came. The man stopped following after throwing the knife. I think he got back in his car and fled the scene. He somehow managed to make it back to the aquarium in under an hour and we also managed to sneak back into the group. Mr. Russo didn't even notice. Aiden and I decided to keep quiet about what just happened, what purpose would it serve getting ourselves in trouble, given that there was no relatively no chance of that man getting caught. As we got older we started to wonder more and more what the intentions of that man were. We could obviously think of a few likely ones but either way we kept quiet about it and I don't really like to think about it.

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