chapter 1. the next morning

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Your POV.

(alarm goes off) ugh IM soo tired,really don't wanna get up but I have to or ma mom gonna snap(her mom name Melissa nd her mom id mixed wit black/white nd Brianna dad Rican/some Indian) IM excited becuz Friday we start spring brake nd have three weeks off,nd two me nd ma besties are seeing MINDLESS BHAVIOR!!!^.^ well beta get ready.


*so she got up,did her morning thing,got dress nd went down stairs to see her mom breakfast...Brianna wearing ripped jeans with a I<3NY hoddie that's blue wit black chucks nd a blue snapsback nd a Peircing in one of her dimples.

In the kitchen:

Melissa-hey pumpkin(hugs Brianna)

Brianna-morning mommie

Melissa-wen u come home from skool IM not gonna be here

Bri-AGAIN! Why(gets sad)

Melissa- I gotta meet my agent

Bri-ahh...well IM out,bye love u mommie

Melissa-bye sweetie(kisses her forehead)


so Brianna left to her bus stop,hopped on the bus and headed to skip seeing jasmin,Mariah nd andrea waiting for her.


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