chapter 4. in English

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so right now Brianna nd jasmin are in English doing a book report together.


Jazz-can I over your house after school?

Bri-yea,Ms mom not going to be there


Bri-dhe gotta meet up wit her agent

Jazz-oww,I really don't wanna go home wit ma mom

Bri-was she drunk again

Jazz-yes,she punched me on ma arm(shows her the bruise

Random girl-(laughs at jasmin)

Jazz-Wat u laughing at hoe!?

Random girl-yo drunky mom

Jazz-you bitch(gets up to hit the girl)

Bri-jasmin no(holds her)

Mr.voyd-girls stop!

Bri-ima talk to my mom nd ask if you can live wit us

Jazz-really,u would do that for me

Bri-yes,ma mom loves you anyways

Jazz-thnx brianna(hugs her nd tear up a Lil)

Mr.voyd-ok get back to work now



SO they went back to work,later after that they went to all their classes nd had lunch last,after lunch jazz went to briannas house to chill.


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