TWM #245

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That Wattpad Moment #245 - Credits: @oldconversations

When you mix up fanfiction with the original story.

Raise your had if you've done this. Now, if your hand is up, let me ask you something. What is wrong with you? The original is exactly that, original, and usually a bjillion times better. So just stop, get your life together. Stop confusing fanfiction with the original and make everything straight. GOSH.

I felt like ranting. Just know that I didn't mean a single word of what I said above. Okay bye.

Oh and yeah, I almost forget but I didn't. Um, the previous Wattpad moment #244 didn't notify some people that it was published. So you should go back and read it if you haven't because I'm sure you don't want to miss it and yeah

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