Part 3: Getting Accquainted

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The screams were deafening. A few of the women politely clapped having no idea who the men were. But most were shrieking like banshees.

I managed to reign myself in and let out only a few excited whoops.

"Who are they?"

My head swiveled to the left only to find Fake Boobs. She clapped, but was markedly unenthusiastic. "Are they famous or something?"

Oh Fake Boobs, how do you not know BTS?

"Hello ladies!" Namjoon spoke once the initial fanatical screaming had died down. "We are BTS."

All three men bowed, and a second wave of screams commenced.

Namjoon placed a single finger to his lips, and the resulting silence was impressive. A smirk appeared on Namjoon's face flanked by dimples on either side.

"Thank you all for being here. We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you." He winked at one of the women near the front of the group. She collapsed shortly thereafter.

Namjoon's eyes grew wide, while Yoongi stifled a laugh. Hoseok stood there stunned, his mouth formed into a surprised 'O' shape.

The head producer, Karen, urged everyone to mingle while the on-site medics tended to the woman who had fainted. She pulled Namjoon aside and the cameras focused on Yoongi and Hoseok.

"This has never happened before." Namjoon's face was full of concern and genuine shock. "I mean, I've heard of it happening, but I've never seen it. Is she okay? Is she going to be okay? Should I apologize?"

"Hey, kid, it happens. I'm sure she'll be fine. The medics are looking at her right now." Karen reassured him with a gentle pat on the shoulder. Our eyes met, and she waved me over. "Kara, why don't you take Namjoon for a one-on-one in the gazebo over there." She gave me an encouraging smile and gestured to a small structure just beyond the pool area.

I nodded and placed my hand on Namjoon's forearm, lightly guiding him over to what Karen had referred to as the gazebo. It was a platform made of what looked to be teak, with a square column in all four corners to hold up the wooden roof. It was more of a pavilion in my opinion.

Two swathes of netting were tied around each column. When released, they would provide protection from pesky bugs to whoever was inside the pavilion. Each column was also wrapped with string lights to provide a more romantic vibe.

Inside the pavilion was a single teak sofa with overstuffed, white cushions.

I steered Namjoon toward the sofa and we both sat down. A camera trailed behind us.

"I had no idea you were so charming," I gave Namjoon a small smile and a playful nudge. Smooth, Kara. Good job!

Namjoon chuckled and passed a hand through his hair, "I didn't either. Do you think she's okay?"

"I'm sure she just got overwhelmed and fainted. It's a lot to take in, you know? Especially for ARMY. The medics are looking at her right now, but if you want to go check on her, I'm sure it'll be okay." I started to stand up, but was stopped when Namjoon rested his hand on my arm.

"I don't want to interrupt them while they're working. I'd probably just be in the way." He smiled meekly. "I'm Namjoon, by the way."

"I'm Kara." I re-positioned myself on the sofa. "It's nice to meet you, Namjoon."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Kara," Namjoon's shoulders relaxed as he gave me a warm smile that showcased his dimples. "So, are you ARMY?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I began to nervous sweat. Crap! How do I answer without sounding flaky or like a stalker? Think, Kara! Think!

"Yeah, I'm a fan. I heard 'Mic Drop' for the first time about a year ago, and I was hooked after that." Honest, but not too much detail. Good job!

"Nice," Namjoon nodded.

"Oh here you are, Namjoon-oppa! Can I steal you?" A very young-looking woman appeared in front of us. She had either been blessed with fantastic genes, or had found an amazing plastic surgeon. Her face was slender and had that perfect 'V' shape to her jaw. Her big, round eyes offset a tiny button nose which perched over full lips. The violet circle lenses she was wearing were a bit too much and her makeup was a little heavy-handed. But she was definitely pretty.

When I didn't immediately jump from my seat on the sofa, she brushed her thick, dyed blonde hair over her shoulder and pouted.

I turned to smile at Namjoon as I stood up. He grabbed my hand.

"We'll talk more soon. It was nice meeting you, Kara." With a wink, he released my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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