Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Courtesy of Versace and Co. An idea of what sweet Gavy's outfit looks like. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Happy Reading, xoxo Dianna


Totally immersed in a manuscript by a new author I was hoping for my company to have the opportunity to publish her extraordinary work, I'd managed to tune out my surroundings. Not that there was much to tune out while sitting behind the massive oak desk in my sound proofed executive office. My work space was a grand affair with wall to ceiling glass windows sitting in the middle of the city. I'd allowed Gavin carte blanch in decorating my office and that little minx did a stellar job. It's also no coincidence that my publishing company's location was within walking distance from both Damien's office building and music studio, as well as Marcus' mega marketing monstrosity of offices that took up a majority of the downtown skyline.

I jumped at the sound of the intercom buzzing on my desk phone to get my attention. My lips pulled down with displeasure. I was getting to the good part of the book; I was hoping the suspense the author was building was going to be worth the anticipation when I found out who was the mastermind behind the murders in the story plot.

Reluctantly setting the manuscript down, I reached over and pressed the answer button on the intercom. "Yes." I'm sure my PA detected the annoyance in my voice.

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but there is a gentleman out here to see you. A Mr. Carter. He doesn't have an appointment, so I wanted to check with you if it's okay to send him in." Kasey informed me in her very prim and proper way of speaking.

My brows automatically shot up in surprise. I didn't know Damien had returned from his and Gavin's European honeymoon already. My nerves caused my hand to shake as I reached for the headset. "Thanks Kasey, that's quite alright, please send him in." I informed her before replacing the headset and jumping to my feet. I smoothed a hand over the front of my suit and made sure my hair was smooth moments before the office door was thrown wide open, the panel almost hit the wall as a hurricane of bubble gum pink rushed in my direction and I found myself with an armful of barely contained, vibrating ball of exuberance.

"Joey baby.... I've missed you." Gavin screeched in my ear as he was squeezing the breath out of my body. I glanced up in time to see Kasey shaking her head with a fond smile on her lips as she closed my office door giving us some privacy.

I couldn't help but to wrap my arms around him and breathe in his unique scent. Just the smell of his expensive signature cologne brought back so many memories of my years spent loving and being loved on by both him and Damien. Those fond memories came rushing back all at once. When Kasey had said Mr. Carter, my mind had immediately conjured up Damien's sexy as hell alpha male likeness. I'd forgotten for a minute that Gavin is now Mr. Carter as well. He'd decided not to hyphenate his name when Damien placed the stunning circle of custom-made diamonds on his ring finger. An extravagant piece to match his equally stunning collar. With only one glance a person would have no doubts that this beautiful man belonged to the music mogul.

Swallowing the emotion threatening to clog my throat. I eased my friend and former lover away from me to get a good look at him. "I've missed you too buddy. How was the honeymoon? When did you guys get back?" I took a seat in one of the plush chairs in front of my desk politely indicated to the identical chair next to it, but Gavin completely ignored me and planted his tight little ass on my lap and wrapped his slender arms around my neck.

"Uh, uh...I'm not giving up my favorite spot next to Daddy's lap of course. We are forever baby even if we don't play together anymore. Oh, my gawd, the places we went and sights Damien showed me were out of this world. I couldn't have asked for better. We'll talk more about it when you come over for dinner. Damien and I got back the day before yesterday and he's off checking on his empire. I stopped by Corey's studio and my office yesterday and now I'm here with you. How are you, and more importantly is Mike treating you right?" Gavin gushed, then he lowered those impossibly long lashes, and his busy fingers nervously worried the lapel of my jacket.

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