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I have been hearing about alot of suicides and REST IN PEACE TO OUR SULLIE. I am writing this to give a minute (J)hope  to all the people who are depressed.

You aren't a God or someone who can end your life easily , remember all your fail attempts to do it , how electricity went off when you bi d some naked wire arou6yoir wrist , the deep cuts in your wrist , over dosing on pills mene you only to puke , and some broken ropes , it's not you need to suffer more , I know that suffering will continue bit when you didn't died , you are alive to do something some thing which bo one can do. Remember how your loved once will feel when you didn't care to tell them what's wrong and why you did took this step? They would be filled with numerous questions arising. It won't stop your pain but pass to other, don't give up on your life easily cause the people aren't worthy for you. Love , suffer and show those people that the person they compressed, beat , heated wasn't normal , you would be a diamond , cause only diamond can suffer from those and shine up. Live and tell them that they lose and you win , tell them that they only made you better and your worth to them.

Please if youball feel depressing and are suicidal,  please text me , I am always there for you and I understand,  why? Cause I have been through all that. Please if you are not comfortable to talk to me then talk to your family , friends and people who can help you.

Never forget that only you know how you survived and you should not waste it.


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