Playing Their Parts

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     As the meeting came to an end, Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka filed out of the Council Chamber. Obi-Wan handed out fake identichips and quickly explained their new identities. It was getting to be evening, and tomorrow they would leave very early. Only the four of them would be traveling, but Republic troops would be hidden on a nearby system should they run into any trouble during the next week.

     Padmé and Anakin would be using the names Shiemma and Myn Thorne. Obi-Wan would be using the name Vinorin, and would be acting as Anakin's manservant. Ahsoka would be going by Sasha as Padmé's handmaid. Hopefully the story would be believable. The Thorne's had the money to afford servants, and it seemed as though they were the type of people who would.

     The only thing the group found themselves disturbed by were the outfits. Padmé wasn't really bothered, but she did have to wear less... fashionable clothes. Anakin, however, complained immediately at the sight of a large selection of suits and robes. Obi-Wan found himself in a similar dilemma. Then, Ahsoka was given a rather large amount of cloaks that covered everything except her eyes. The only exception was an outfit similar to that of the one she wore when facing the Zygerrian queen.

     A few Temple workers made sure the clothes were sized correctly before they went anywhere else that night, which, Padmé joked, ended up being similar to that of a fashion show. Each time they tried on on outfit, the person was required to ask the opinions of the others to make sure nothing was out of place.

     Padmé and Anakin took that time to practice using everyone's names, and it turned into a bit of a game with the four of them. Slowly but surely they tried on each outfit. Padmé first, then Anakin, then Obi-Wan, then Ahsoka...

     Padmé gasped in horror at the last outfit, understanding the resemblance to slave outfits worn elsewhere. "You can't be serious!" she said to them, making the three of them turn and stare at her.

     "Padmé..." Ahsoka began, lekku darkening in embarrassment. "I've worn worse."

     "Worn worse...?" she trailed off, standing to see the outfit up closer. "This is showing quite enough."

     "She is supposed to play the part of your servant, Padmé," said Anakin, using her real name once more.

     "Still, no one should be wearing something like this," she said quietly with a gesture to the long slits in the sides of the skirt, and the thin top draped across her shoulders. "And this, this is her festival outfit?"

     Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a glance as they rested on the low couches around the room. Ahsoka glanced back into the long mirrors beside her, still feeling embarrassed. Finally, Anakin sighed before calling the Temple workers back into the room.

     Padmé nodded her thanks at him, then proceeded to suggest the many ways in which the outfit could be altered to cover up more skin. The group got to work right away, adding material here, sewing pieces together there...

     "If she keeps this up much longer, it will be morning before we know it," Obi-Wan said to Anakin with a slight smile.

     "Well, if it makes her happy..." Anakin started, leaning his head back against the couch.

     Obi-Wan frowned slightly as his choice of words. They had long since stopped practicing their parts for the upcoming week, and it seemed as though Anakin was being genuine with his statement. He turned to look at his former padawan, but his eyes were already closed.

     "Thank you, Padmé," Ahsoka stated as they finished up. "It does feel more comfortable now."

     "Anything for you, Ahsoka," the woman said with a gentle grin.

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