Chapter 1: I have a brother!?

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Clara Potter's POV

I am Running. I have just escaped from Grindlewald. Grindlewald had kidnapped me ten years ago after my parents were killed. All he did was make my life misserable to get even with some dude named dumbledore.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, CLARA!" Grindlewald yells. People are staring at us as I run through the streets of London. I can't let him catch me this time. Last time he beat the shit out of me. I try to lose him by running into some building that says The Leaky Caldron on it. Maybe if I'm in a building with people he won't be able to get me. I run straight into an old man with a long beard.
"Help," I say." Grindlewald's going to torture me." I say. He looks at me astonished. "Behind me, now." He says. I obey, ready to run in case things turn south. Grindlewald freezes as he sees the old man.
"Gilbert. It seems you have escaped your prison. Who is this young girl your chasing." The old man says.
"Give me Asshole Clara Potter!" He yells pulling out his wand. I flinch, he would always wave it at me and I would feel so much pain.
The old man pulls out a other wand. Gilbert gasps.
"You would never use the wand of elder to stop your own old friend, would you Dumbledore!" Grindlewald says.
"Gilbert, we may have been boyfriends years ago. But you are not the Gelbert I once knew." Dumbledore says. He waves his wand and disarms Grindlewald. A other man knocks him on the ground.
"I am an auror and you are going to Askaban." The man says. Dumbledore turns to me.
"Clara, your safe now, come sit with me and we shall talk." He says. I follow him nervously. I better be safe. I just want to be happy and not have assholes beating me up with spells. I see the auror drag Grindlewald away.
"I better be safe. I don't know anybody except that asshole." I say.
"You will be safe. I thought you were dead. So did everyone. Obviously he kidnapped you." Dumbledore says.
"He told me he tortured me to get back at you about stoping him. He said I reminded him of someone named Ariana." I say. Dumbledore winces at her name.
"I understand now. I'm sorry he did that to you. Clara, your a witch." He says.
"Duh! The asshole told me that and told me he would never let me learn magic." I retort.
"Clara, you will learn magic at Hogwarts this year. Your parents were killed eleven years ago by a man by the name of Voldemort. He died as he tried to kill your brother. Somehow when he tried to kill him, it rebounded and killed Voldemort instead." Dumbledore says. What! I have a brother?
"I have a brother!?" I say shocked and excited. Dumbledore nods.
"Yes and his name is Harry Potter, the boy who lived. So now you would be the girl who lived." Dumbledore says.
"He also tried to kill you and your brother with the single one curse, I see you got the same scar on your neck." Dumbledore says. I touch it again. Grindlewald had said it was a mark that I was owned by him and had no rights.
"I want Grindlewald dead." I say. He will die for what he did to me. Then I realize, woah I'm only eleven and I'm thinking like this? I start crying. Dumbledore holds my hand.
"Clara, you look so much like your mother, lily, she had similar hair and the same eyes as you do." Dumbledore says. I stand up and stretch. Dumbledore waves his wand and then my cuts and bruises start healing up fast.
"Thanks I say."
"Oh and did you say you were boyfriends with that asshole earlier?" I ask. He better not like him.
"In the 1940s I did, we are gay, but he got corrupt so I broke up and we had a duel." Dumbledore says. I don't care if he's gay. I'm just happy he's not with Grindlewald anymore.
"Clara, you look tired, I think you should rest, I can have the bartender give you a potion to help you sleep peacefully." Dumbledore says.
"I would like that." I say.
When I get on a bed in a room upstairs I drink the potion and fall right asleep on this unusually comfortable bed. He always made sleep on the floor. I don't have any dreams. If I did it would probably have been an nightmare.
I wake up to Dumbledore coming in.
"Clara, I bought you your Hogwarts supplies using the Potters vault. Here you go. He puts a trunk full of stuff on the floor.
"Come down and eat then you can go shopping for better clothes." Dumbledore says.
"Thanks." I say. That's sounds great. My clothes are pretty much rags.
I walk down and decide to tell Dumbledore something that scared me.
"Umm, Dumbledore?" I say. He turns to face me. "He, he touched me." I say.
Dumbledore looks very disgusted.
"Where?" He asks.
"My chest, and he stuck some sort of sausage skin colored thing into my vagina many times." I say. Dumbledore looks horrified. He pats my back.
"I'm so sorry. That was wrong. He will also receive charges on rape and sexual abuse." Dumbledore says. As we walk down, he explains what the sausage was. I nearly vomit from what I hear. I don't want a creep doing that to me again. Maybe when I'm older I might let a boyfriend do it, since Dumbledore said it was normally pleasurable when done with love.
The bartender pours me a cup of juice and has made me a special breakfast for free because of what happened to me. Something called pancakes. I chow on them like I had never eaten in years.
After breakfast we go to a clothes shop and the lady there helps me pick out fashionable clothes and my Hogwarts uniform. I love the pink outfits and I even picked a feminine Hogwarts style uniform. Dumbledore himself pays for it. Then we go to the pet store and I pick out a cute barn owl. I name her Elsa from several suggestions Dumbledore had.
Then he brings me to a ministry car. He drives us to king Cross's station. He explained how I get to platform nine and three quarters. He follow me into the train station. I am looking at everything I can get my eyes on. When I was with mr.asshole I never saw much of the world. I push my carriage and run through the wall after a redheaded boy does.
My eyes were closed. I had expected to crash. I open my eyes. Woah. This area is cool. I see a black train that says Hogwarts express. I enter the train and find a seat next to a blond haired boy.
"Hi. I'm Clara." I say trying to be friendly. He smiles.
"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He says. We shake hands.
"I don't know much about Hogwarts, my parents are both dead." I say. He frowns.
"Raised by Muggle's then?" He asks. When I ask what a muggle is, he face palms.
"Muggle's are the dirty non magical people in this world. My father thinks they should just die off and let us pure bloods take over." Draco says. I gasp. That sounds horrible!
"It's not their fault they don't have magic! From what I heard non magical people are mostly good people!" I say. Draco rolls his eyes.
"Great. Muggle lover." He says. He drops the subject and tries to educate me on Hogwarts. But gets interrupted when a girl comes in.
"I heard your conversation, stop trying to corrupt this girl." She says.
"Who are you?" Draco snaps. That's it. I punch Draco.
"Stop being an asshole!" I say. I get up and leave with my trunk and owl. The girl lets me sit with her.
"I'm Hermione." She says giving me a chocolate frog. I open it and get a card of Dumbledore.
"I'm Clara." I say shaking her hand. Hopefully she's nicer than Draco. She explains Muggle's to me. The. She goes off about Hogwarts and the four houses. I listen quietly. I think Gryffindor sounds good, but am I brave? No I'm terrified.
When the train slides to a sudden halt, I grab my stuff and follow the students outside.
"First years!" A giant man yells. Hermione and I follow him. He looks like a sex offender. Bad joke, Clara, bad joke. I get in a boat with Hermione.
"Well I guess we're in the same boat now." She says smiling. For the first time in my life I laugh. Laughing feels good. When the boats stop at the base of Hogwarts which is jaw dropping awesome, we follow Hagrid into the castle.
"First years, I am professor Mcgonagall," she says. I stop paying attention when I notice Draco bothering a handsome black haired boy. I walk up to him.
"Leave him alone asshole." I say quietly to him, showing off my fist. He retreats away to his friends. The black haired boy high fives me.
"Thanks!" He says. I'm about to say my name when Mcgonagall raises her voice to tell us to enter.
We follow her in a line. I try to blend in. I hope I'm not ugly. I put on makeup today with some help from a witch that told me how. I see a hat on a stool. Hermione had told me about the sorting hat. Professor Mcgonagall starts calling out names. I barely listen.
"Malfoy, Draco!" She yells. "Slytherin!" The hat yells. He would be a nasty Slytherin. A few more people and I hear a name that freezes my insides.
"Potter, Harry!" She yells. He puts on the hat. Is that my brother! I was told his name was harry. This is the black haired boy I defended earlier. Boy is he cute. After like ten minutes the hat shouts, "Gryffindor!" The whole table full of Gryffindors starts cheering. I hear someone yell, "we got Potter!" Then my most dreaded moment happens.
"Potter, Clara!" She yells. The whole room is quieter than it was when Harry was called. I walk up feeling so embarrassed and shy. Everyone has there eyes on me. Cracks mouth is dropped. Harry's mouth is dropped even more. I notice Hermione who got Gryffindor clap her hands to her mouth. I sit down on the stool. I put the hat on.
'Curious.' The hat says in my head. 'Harry potters sister? Fascinating. Everyone thought you were dead. You show signs of needing friends. For that Slytherin would do.' It says. Not bloody Slytherin! 'Not Slytherin huh, you like your brother would be great in Slytherin. But alas you also show sighs of intelligence and bravery. But you got a destiny to fulfill so better be,' "Gryffindor!" The hat yells. The whole room is still silent. I look at Dumbledore silently pleading for him to say something. I walk up to the table and sit next to Harry.
After several more sorting's and Harry staring at me, Dumbledore speaks.
"I can tell all of you are wondering who Clara Potter is since you all heard of Harry Potter. She is Harry's missing sister." He says. The whole room gasps.
"When Voldemort killed her parents Grindlewald had escaped his special prison and kidnaped her to get back at me. It is up to her If I tell the rest of the story." He says. I stand up."tell them what he did, just generally not too detailed." I say. Dumbledore continues, " she was tortured for until a few days ago when she escaped him and ran into me in London, I stopped him again and this time he's going to Askaban and will receive the Dementors kiss." He says. Several people gasp at that.
"You will treat her well or face detention from me." Dumbledore says. I sit back down. I turn to Harry and hug him crying. He hugs me back.
"I guess I'm your sister." I say.
" and I'm your brother." He says.

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