Chapter 4: The Elementrist and the Troll

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Clara Potter's POV

I enjoyed most of the weeks before Halloween. I still have horrific nightmares. Mcgonagal had just told me to talk to Madam Pomfrey because she noticed something seemed wrong. When I enter the hospital wing I see Pomfrey waiting.
"Miss Potter, I need to do a check up on you." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Miss Potter your head of house told me to." She says. I sit on the bed while she checks me out, ocasionly using her wand for some reason. She shakes her head.

"Proffesor Mcgonagal tells me you have been abused all your life. You are very underfed, you also have some fractured bones and many bruises and scars from that abuse. Also I need to ask you several questions." Pomfrey says.

After a bunch of questions I dont know why I am being asked She stops asking me questions.

"Clara, I am certain you have PTSD." She says. I am not surprised after all that abuse that I would get PTSD. She goes to the back and returns with potions in her hands.

"These potions will help your under fed issue and the others will heal your bones and bruises. I am unable to remove the scars and PTSD can not be cured by any magic." Pomfrey says. Great so I am always going to have nightmares. She hands me the small vials of potions and has me drink them. They are gross.

"Can you possibly help me out with nightmares? I have them every night." I ask.

"I do have a potion to give you dreamless sleep but it is unhealthy to take every night. I only use it in when you need sleep in the hospital wing. You are free to go Miss Potter." Madam Pomfrey says.

I run to the nearest Girls bathroom and start crying in private. Today is Halloween. The day my parents were murdered by Voldemort and I was kidnapped by Grindlewald. I will not celebrate the day my life was ruined. Harry is probably at the Feast though. I am not alone. A russian looking girl with blue eyes and blonde hair and Gryffindor robes comes out of a stall. I think I kinda remeber her getting sorted.

"Hi, I am Amber Elizabeth. Your Clara Potter aren't you." She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Are you crying because Voldemort killed your parents on this day?" She asks. I nod.

"My parents were killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. I was adopted my only living relatives in London. If she had not killed them I would have been in Durmstrang." She says.

Poor girl losing her parents. I am probably the poorer girl for losing mine plus being kidnapped and tortured for ten years.

"I read about what happened to you on the daily Prophet. They tried to give Grindlewald the dementors kiss but he escaped." Amber says. My heary sinks to the dungeons. He escaped! He's after me again isn't he. If he shows hos face to me again, I will kill him. Amber seems to notice my terror.

"I didnt mean to freak you out, I was just worried. Can we be friends by the way?" She says. I nod. She gives me a girl hug. She seems to understand some of what I'm going through.

I scream when a Troll enters. Amber pulls out her wand and points at the Troll. I need to calm down. I pull out my wand too.

"Rectesempra!" We shout. The spell has no effect. The troll waves his club and is about to hit Amber and I push her out of the way and I get hit. I fall down in pain and I dont see anymore.

Amber Elizabeth's POV

My newly made Friend Clara is knocked out. Great. Unless I find a way to stop the Troll I am doomed.

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