Chapter 1

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<Nialls Pov>

I arrive at school 15 minutes late. I sigh, thinking about how everyone would look at me, the late new kid. Finding the office, the lady there led me to the room where I would show the whole school my powers. I opened the door and sure enough, 500 heads turned to me. Chatter erupted, a few students pointing to me or glancing my way. Suddenly a loud voice called for attention.

"Glad you could join us, Niall."

I look over to see a middle aged man standing at the front of the room. As I walk over to join him, I see 4 boys around my age glaring at me. A raven haired boy with honey colored eyes. His hair styled into a quiff. High cheekbones and full lips complete the greek god look. A curly haired boy with emerald eyes. His chocolate curls surrounding his face perfectly. A boy with a light brown fringe and blue eyes. Laugh lines visible on his face. And a boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. His full lips turn into a natural pout. They are sending me death glares for some unknown reason. I turn my attention back to the teacher immediately and stand by his side.

"This is Niall everybody! Niall, everyone has already shown their power. What is your power?" He asks. I shrug and name them off.

"I can control the four elements, I have super strength, I can burst into flames, i can shape shift and I can heal." I say and I hear gasps.

"You have FIVE powers?!"


"I wonder if hes single."

The teacher quiets them down and looks at me.

"Four elements. Now."

I close my eyes and make a small tornado. It circles the group of students. Hearing screams, I smile and destroy it. I lift a large boulder in the corner of the room and drop it after moving it across the room. I make the fire from a students lighter go 20 feet in the air, surprising the surrounding teens. And I make all the water in the room hover above me. A bubble of 50 gallons of water hovers above me head, casting a shadow on me. Throwing the water outside, I open my eyes and look at the man again. His eyes are open in wonder.

"Super strength."

I walk to where 5 girls are sitting and ask them to stand up. I pick them all up with one hand and set them back down. The class is in a stunned silence.

"Burst into flames."

Closing my eyes, I concentrate. Soon enough, I feel the familiar heat all over my body. Screaming and panicking students are running around and I put the fire out once again looking at the teacher.


A student walks up. The boy with raven hair that was glaring at me before. He takes out a pocket knife and slits his wrist dangerously deep. I run to him and heal him. Looking at him, I panic a bit because he was gushing blood.

"Are you ok?"

He yanks his arm away and snarls at me. What the hell crawled up his ass and died?


He stomps back to his friends who glare at me also. Fine. I flip them off and turn back to the teacher. The simply gazes at me in complete wonder. I wave a hand infront of his face. Seeming to snap out of his trance, he smiles and turns to talk to another teacher. I spin around and all the students are staring at me. Offering a small smile, I wave. Several girls giggle and run to me. In seconds, I'm surrounded by many girls. All asking if I'm single and handing me phone numbers. I guess this school isn't so bad. Glancing beyond the girls, I see the same four boys glaring at me. All have their fists balled up. I take it back, this school will kill me.

(A/N: If you guys are wondering why Niall didn't shapeshift yet, that will be in the next chapter. :) It has it's own chapter because the students decide to play a game with Nialls power of shapeshifting....oops, Spoiler! Hehe. ;) I will update sometime next week..? I think? Lol.)

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