Chapter Eighteen

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"I loved having you visit, Emily." I told her, hugging her tightly. Louis, Emily, and I were in the airport terminal, ready to see Emily off.

"Thanks for having me!" She replied, pulling back from the hug, a giant smile plastered to her face. She pulled my arm in closer and whispered into my ear. "And tell me when you and Louis get together. I'll be waiting for the call!" She joked...well I assume she was I just laughed.

"Ummmm suuuure." I said with a playful wink. Emily just laughed. Our conversation was interrupted by a rough voice coming over the intercom, calling for Emily's flight.

"Guess that means I better go!" Emily said, gathering her bags. She gave Louis a quick hug and whispered something inaudible in his ear. Louis' eyes widened and I laughed. At the sound of my laughter, Louis' eyes met mine and his facial expressions relaxed.

We said our final goodbyes to Emily and then she disappeared into customs. Louis and I began leaving the airport and heading to his car.

"Wanna go out to lunch?" Louis asked as we got into the car.

"I'm really sorry but I already have lunch plans...Can you do dinner?" I asked. Louis pulled out of the airport before he answered.

"Yeah that's fine." He replied quietly. "Where do you want me to drop you off? Your flat or..."

"That cute little restaurant on fifth street. I'm blanking on the name but I'll show it to you when we get closer." I told him. Louis nodded and then turned up the radio, clearly not wanting to carry on any other conversation. I was glad though. I didn't want Louis to ask more questions. I wanted to keep this secret I've had for two weeks hidden.

In a flash we were there and Louis was pulled up to the right place.

"Thanks, Louis!" I called leaving the car. Louis barely gave me a second glance before he zipped off a disappeared down the street. I disregarded his hateful attitude and walked into the building.

I greeted Chris with a kiss on the cheek and then we both sat down. Yes, I probably sound like a complete idiot meeting Chris for lunch but...I swear to you he's changed. He hasn't been in a relationship in seven months and spent that time really discovering who he is. I'm not sure what he did but he told me he really connected with himself and realized all the things he did was wrong. I assure you, he's different. I'm not stupid.

"How have you been since I saw you last?" He asked with a wink. Yeah we kind of...'got together' a few nights ago. The night before Emily came into town, actually.

"Great...Emily just left. It was great seeing her again." I said with a smile. Chris' hand snaked around the salt shaker and grabbed mine. The action caused me to look up and into his eyes.

"I've missed you so much, Olivia. I really have. I think it's time to make us official." Chris told me. My eyes were wide as I pressed this. 

"Chris..." I breathed, taking it in. "this is still fairly new. I don't want to jump into things like we did last time." I held my breath, waiting for his answer. Chris just nodded.

"I understand...but I mean that night...I thought that was making it physically official. I want to make it verbally official." Chris said. I pondered the thought.

"I just...I don't know how Louis is gonna take it." I confessed. "I mean he was there for me when you weren't. Chris he's not going to like this." I told him honestly. Chris put his other hand on top of our clasped ones. 

"He doesn't control your life, Olivia. He's just some silly little friend of yours. He doesn't matter." Chris told me quite sternly. That stung. He can't talk about Louis like that. He's not silly and he does matter...he matters a lot to me. "This--" Christ removed one hand and pointed to him and then me. "This is real. And this is all that matters anymore. I miss you Olivia. And I know I love you. So please just...just go back in time with me. Pretend the last year or so didn't happen." Chris said, flashing me a dazzling smile with a cute sparkle in his brown eyes.

"Okay." I said, nodding. "Then let's order, boyfriend." I said giggling. 

Little did I know what I had gotten myself into.


Louis' P.O.V.

Lesson 1: Punching the wall does nothing to take away anger like it does in the movies. It leaves your knuckles bloody and almost broken plus a giant hole in your wall. Never a good idea, so never do it.

I wish someone had taught me that lesson before I sailed my right fist into the drywall. Now I'm sitting on the floor of my bedroom, clutching my hand forcing back tears. NEVER DO THIS. It does not work. In fact it causes more pain. And who the hell could ever want more pain? 

It does not take away the pain in your chest. It does not take away the anger in your head. It does not take away the queasy feeling in your stomach. It does absolutely nothing beside adding another thing to your list of painful things to deal with. It does not remove the confusing feelings and the mind blowing realizations. It does not help. Whatsoever.

Now I'm feeling as thought nothing can take away these feelings. I feel like I'm going to explode inside. Like my head will pop off and roll away. I'm terrified of the crazy shit that's been going inside me lately. I can't feel this way and I can't think like this. This cannot be going on inside me! This shit happens in stupid books or movies not in real life! This cannot be's got to be a's got to be fake. This can't be just simply can't.

Ever since Zayn pointed out my 'attitude towards Olivia', I immediately noticed it. I would catch myself. It's not right. It's flat out, not right. I'm not supposed to be feeling this way! I'm not! It's not allowed. I can't have it. Not acceptable.

But I can't stop these feelings! The butterflies when she laughed, the smile that comes across my face when someone mentions her name. I must look like such an idiot. I get moody like a fucking teenage girl when she has other plans. This is not okay. Not me, not Louis Tomlinson. I do not like a romantic novel life. No. 

Louis Tomlinson does not fall in love with his best friend.

Even if it seems to be true.

************************************* AUTHOR'S NOTE ***********************************

Okay sorry kind of a short chapter...but yes almost done! two more chapters! :O and also ive changed who should play Olivia like a bajillion times. but ive finally settled on someone. i chose Kendall Jenner, i know, i KNOW! i cant stand her but shes flat out gorgeous and has the look i was going for :P so yeah Olivia is Kendall Jenner and her picture is right there ------>

Anyways hope you liked the chapter! Please comment! thanks lovelies :)

-Kate xx

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