Chapter 5 - Secrets

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Eddie's PoV

"I don't understand why she'd want to be with Stan like all he does is watch birds and shit!" I say quickly and angrily to Richie as we walk back to his,
"I seen the way you look at her and the fact that Stan didn't even talk to you about it. Man I'm pissed and I'm not even involved in this love triangle bullshit." Richie looks at Eddie holding his hands up in surrender.
"I'm going to confront him about it tomorrow! Let's see if  Y/N  still finds him cute when she sees what a backstabbing little bitch face he is!" I said angrily clenching my fists.
"Woah, Eddie Spaghetti going a-wall." Richie snorts.


As me and Bev walk back to mine I can't help but think about Stan and why he all of a sudden just, kissed me and now he's suddenly all over me? Seems a little bit odd since I always thought of him as the neat, organised, well thought through boy not some living in the moment risk-taker.
"Y/N, watcha thinking about?" Bev waved her hand in front of my face causing my snap back into reality.
"Oh nothing."
"Could you be anymore sarcastic?" Bev rolled her eyes and laughed a bit.
As I open my front door and shout to my mum to let her know I got home safely, I see she's in the kitchen and quickly turns to me.
"Oh, Y/N who's this you've brought home?" she said sweetly gesturing to Bev.
"This is Beverly and I was wondering if she could stay here for a while." I say fiddling with the bottom of my t-shirt,
"Sure sweetheart but your room better not be a mess." she scolded as I quickly grabbed Bev's hand and ran upstairs.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get you some pyjamas. Fresh out the dryer." I smiled to her as I quickly ran back downstairs.
"Can I quickly grab some pyjamas for Beverly?" I say shuffling past my mum in the kitchen.
"Honey could you give me a reason why Bev's going to be staying here for 'a while'?" she turns to me with her arms crossed.
"Stuffs not great with her at home." my voice is started to go slightly shaky,
"an- and her dad is not a nice man." I said while grabbing the pyjamas and running upstairs.

"Here." I laid the folded pyjamas on the bed next to Bev and quickly grabbed another pair of my own to change into. Once we had both changed we sat on the bed for a while talking about the losers.
"Do you not find it a little bit strange how Richie always seems to target Eddie in some way?" I ask staring at the ceiling,
"Yeah, there's a rumour going about school that he's. well. gay." she said not taking her eyes from the ceiling either.
"Oh, well, I mean if he's gay, he's gay. Nothing can change that." I said turning to look at Bev.
"Yeah but I'm pretty sure Eddie's into girls." She said turning to me and scrunching her eyebrows.
"Oohhhh! Spill the gossip, Marsh!" I say getting excited.

Stanley's PoV

As I cycled home myself, trying to keep my mind off things that could go wrong, I see something up ahead in the darkness. It looks like a really large bird.
Well, it's dark, I'm probably just seeing things.
As it gets closer it slowly morphs into Pennywise..It.
I spin around on my front tire and try to speed run the rest of the way home, listening to the voices whistle past my ears as though one with the wind.


"Wait, Eddie Kaspbrak has a crush on me?" I say my face going bright red as i laugh.
"Yes but please don't tell him I told you, he'll kill me!" Bev winced.
"Obviously I won't, I'm great at keeping secrets." I smiled.
"So where do you think you and Stan are going?" She asked playing with a short bit of hair at the front of her head.
"Well, I like him and since we moved really quickly i think we should slow it down." I said holding my chin up and raising my eyebrows, mimicking a grown up attitude.
"Honestly, I'm so glad another girl finally joined the Losers club." She smiled at me.

Stanley's PoV

As I finally reach my front door and burst in, I spot my father and mother casually sitting
on the sofa, though father has a newspaper in his hands.
"Stanley, why are you in such a rush?" Mother asked me frowning.
"I just.. wanted to get home." I managed to squeeze a few words out without collapsing from fear and exhaustion all at once.
"You know. Zack tells me you and your friends have added a new member to your 'club'."
"Ah, Bill's dad?" I ask still regaining my breath.
"Yeah, he said from what Bill told him about her briefly she seemed really nice." He lowers his paper and squints at me.
"Yeah, she is. Can I go to my room now please?" I say whining, before letting any of them answer I quickly run upstairs and basically lunge at the old phone beside my bed.
I picked it up and listened for any beeps to see if my parents were listening, though they usually do and dialled Y/N's number.

Y/N's PoV

"You saw It?" I say as Bev overhears the phone call.
"Well are you okay, Stan?!" I ask practically shouting down the line.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little bit shaken up." Stan sounded exhausted.
"Hey, why don't you get some rest? Me and Bev were just heading to bed anyway." I said twirling the cord of the phone.
"Yeah you're right, Goodnight beautiful." As he said that my cheeks flushed red.
"Goodnight, Stanley." I put down the phone and plopped back onto my bed as Bev joked around and poked my sides.
"You're soooooo in LoVe with him." as she starts making kissy faces and making fun of me.

Hi, so, I saw It: Chapter 2,
remembered how absolutely madly in love i am with Wyatt. So I'm back!
I'm currently writing this at 7am and i have not slept, it is a school holiday though. I literally spent the past 7 hours watching Wyatt's youtube videos and the stream of him and Jaeden at 3am.
Also can we just forget that i fucked up at the start of this story by saying It's back when he's not supposed to come back for another 27 years so Bill Hader can roast him to death.
Well I think I have a plan to make it seem less, sucky.
much love guys and thank you for all the kind comments and support which made me actually want to start this again in the first place! I hope you enjoy and there will be many more chapters coming in the future❤️

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