Chapter 2:

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My phone buzzed, alarming me it was 7:30.
"April!" Moose yelled from the top of the basement stairs. "You ready?" I had packed a bag full of clothes that should last me three days. I nodded.
"Do you want me to walk you there?" I shook my head.
"I'll be fine. It's only 3 blocks away." I reassured him, thinking that if I got into any trouble, Matt would be there to stop it.
The sun had started to go down as I exited the front door and waved goodbye to Moose.
As I started walking, I got about 2 blocks down, when a car slowly pulled up next to me, the window rolling down.
"April." I looked over, my heart beating faster than it had ever. "Need a lift?" It was Padge. Just Padge. Phew! I calmed down my breathing. He was my brothers friend.
"No thanks." I waved him off as he left, flipping me off as be went. 'Asshole.' I thought to myself.
I finally arrived at the playground and found I had a message from Emily.
E: Brother just called. Wanted to talk to you. I told him you'd ring him later.

A: Thanks. Will do.

At that moment, I dialled Moose's number. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey!" He said quickly.
"What's wrong?" I asked, sounding angry. I saw Matt walking up to the playground and signalled him to be quiet. He nodded and sat next to me.
"Nothing. Just checking in."
'Brother?' Matt mouthed to me. I nodded swiftly and continued in the conversation.
"Well, I'm fine. I'll see you in 3 days. If you want anything, call before you come around." He agreed and I ended the call.
"What was that all about?" Matt asked me as he grabbed me bag and kissed me.
"Overprotective brother." I shook my head in embarrassment.
He laughed and grabbed my hand.
When we arrived at Matt's, he took my bag upstairs and placed it under the bed, while I started making us both coffees.

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