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Saturday, November 30

I slowly strolled down the street, of course wearing a long cloak with the hood up. Thanks to the nipping winter weather, my choice of clothing didn't seem suspicious. The ground had a thin layer of snow, resembling glitter more than anything, I shoved my hands further into my pocket with a huff, watching the puff of steam, dissipate into nothingness.

The voices in my head only screamed louder at me, wanting me to strike again. Also, my sexual drive made me feel even more crazy then I knew I was. The only thing I needed was a victim. A helpless one who I could take with me. One that I could toy with for a while until I'm bored. Maybe that beauty that I followed around. I've pretty much have her schedule memorized, but one element that forgot to include was an address. I didn't know where she lived. It's a pity though, maybe I'll tail her tomorrow and begin again.

"Iliana, be safe. Are you sure that you don't want me to go with you? There's a serial killer on the loose. Who knows where he is."

I stopped and stood behind a tree, only to listen to them, could this possibly be a potential victim? I wonder what she looks like, sounds like...

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, Anton. I have Blue with me." She spoke. Oh that voice, sweet like nectar, smooth like honey. I just have to get a glimpse of her.

There was a brief moment of silence, only the sound of the wind whistled in the air, causing the leaves to rustle, then finally the door closed. I peered around the tree to catch a glimpse.

A lady appeared, woman of short stature, maybe five inches above five feet, wavy light brown hair that rippled down her back, waving with each step. I couldn't help but stare at the brunette beauty, she had a way she carried herself, a curvaceous body and a nice a- I just have to have her. She was dressed in jeans, winter boots and a red parka jacket. I recognized her almost immediately. It was her! I've found her!

They told me to go over to her. Urged me to, the voices. I waited well until she was onto the wooded path following her with each small step, away from the houses, people. She will be mine, I just have to wait until the perfect moment to strike

I couldn't resist their demands and kicked myself off of the tree and walked over to her, next to her. "Hi." My voice was a bit hoarse from yelling at my pathetic excuse of a son. Up close she looked as if she could be his age, twenty four.

She gave me an odd look and took a small step away from me. She seemed a bit uneasy with me around. I wouldn't blame her, I would too if a man in a hooded cloak approached me in the woods. I looked down to see a small dog, seeming to be a miniature husky of some sort. Adorable thing. Her puppy looked up at me and growled a bit, not liking me this close to to her. It didn't trust me, and it shouldn't.

My eyes traveled back up to the brunette beauty, a sweet round face, pale green eyes, plump pink lips daring me to kiss them, claim them as my own. The voices screamed louder.

Get her! Take her! She's yours! What are you waiting for?!

I took a step closer to her. Her perfume was so inviting, a mixture of winter and berries. So warm and inviting, I just had to sniff it some more. My eyes lingered on her body, I just couldn't tear my eyes away. I then trailed my eyes back up to her face. I wanted to hold it in my hands, just to feel her smooth skin against mine. I'm feeling more tempted to reach out and touch her. "What is such a beautiful lady doing all alone hm?" I asked, daring to take another step forward.

She took another step away from me. I could tell my closeness caused a sense of unease. It finally dawned on her. She was alone. She held onto her dog's leash tightly. "I'm... I'm just walking my dog." She said softly, her pale green eyes scanning for a way out, she had walked too far away from home and onto the wooded trail. A bad move.

I kept moving towards her as she looked for an escape. I couldn't let such beauty just escape. She had to be mine.

Grab her now!

I grabbed her wrist "Very bad idea, darling." My voice darker than before, a sinister smile crept onto my face.

She tried to yank her arm free. "Let me go! This is wrong!" She squeaked, her eyes filled with fear and desperation.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, love. The voices told me it was okay."

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