cutting and suicide

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I know how a suicidal person feels. I know what its like to take a blade and run it across my wrist and thighs. Listen when people bring you down I want you to look them in the eye and say haters gonna hate and walk away unphased. Showing them your strong will help you in many ways. Cutting and suicide is showing that your letting your demons win. Cutting only distracts you but for a small amount of time then the pain comes back and your back to the planning board. You begin thinking that suicide is the answer. But it isn't. You are beautiful amazing and perfect in your own way. Suicide isn't the answer because things do get better and the pain is temporary. We all have demons that try to drive but letting them take over will surley ruin your life. I love you and I'm here for you. Even though it seems like I dont care about you just know that even though I dont know you I do care and I do love you. Never give up. Do it for me. Put down that lighter and put down that blade because darling, everything will be ok.

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