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                      The enlightenment 
                        August / 15 / 2097
The murder of Annibell Walkson destroyed the calm paridise like life we had grown acustomed to. What had seemed to be quite a quiet peaceful town was now raviging throughout the streets rioting. People old and young alike flooded the streets, panic and yells of anger pounded one’s ear drums even from within the safety of closed doors.
  Why so much ruckus over one twenty two years young women? Well let me take you back twenty seven years ago, when magic became possible for all who lived.
                        August / 14 / 2070
 Some people call it the Rapture, some would call it aliens or demons giving us abilities, I call it Humans evolving. A higher state of intellectual thinking, well for some. Others lose what little humanity they have left to the core abilities. The ability latches onto a dark memory or mental disability causing a sort of Anti magic overload.

 There’s no real known cause as to why some humans in the world woke up powerful as god and some as puny as a house elf.  Some with a heros fight, love, and drive coursing through them. Some commit crimes for the fact that they can't kill themselves, self harm doesn't work anymore.  You have to be killed by someone more powerful or smarter which is the majority of “Good Guys”. During the early two thousand seventies a form of hero business was established. Long story short, the government was paying people to ward off annoying small time criminals and terrorists but also national and intergalactic threats. Staying sharp as a fresh blade is essential for survival in this world.

   What does all of this have to do with Annie? Well remember that Anti-Magic stuff? A man whos body was infused with it tried to rape Annie and suceeded, somewhat. It's like mixing positive and negative matter. As he committed the horrid act, Annies body started decentigrating from the inside out and vise versa for the man. All we found were two dead upper bodys with no organs or any lower body. For some reason their hair, nails, finger prints, teeth, skin, and facial structure are all gone. Reduced to atoms. Quite literally just a pile of dust surrounding what's left of the bodies.
   She has been the first HomoSoperior and Antimatter humans to touch in fifteen years. Back when this was all new and we hadn't fully discovered all the new elements, a law was passed called The Anti Codes. Pretty much the black codes just with a hint of true freedom added. They were mostly for our actual safety. All you had to do was turn a corner and your vision would be filled with piles of dust on the ground and flowing through the air along with the half body people slowly melting away for kissing a loved one or hugging a friend or bumping shoulders with someone of the opposite matter type. Poof! Your just dead, nothing to do about it. Sadly, very sadly, we watched as our life itself slowly started turning to dust, ours souls with it.  We now fight for the fact of fighting is all we’ve got left. The only thing we can truly do is fight till the second we die or try to create a family, if even possible in this type of evil versus good comic book hero world we live in now. Most people have mixed emotions of this subject and always will, as do I.

                    (Aguest / 15 / 2097)   

While we are on the subject of types of matter, you could be wearing the thickest iron gloves in the world and hit someone of the opposite matter, that opposite matter will travel through all forms of matter until it reaches you. Even if it starts in your upper body only your torso and down will be fully gone. Your dead within minutes. Its beyond painful to. It's never quite either.

 The irate yells from outside pull me from my own time lapse. I stand up from my soft and fuzzy reclining chair and walk across my cool wooden floor. I stop in front of my blinds and take a deep breath. I pause for a second, listening to the countless ageless voices outside my house. I carefully take a peek of my front yard and driveway. There were hundreds of people filling my yard and blocks onward. They're all waiting for me. I am Johmain Walkson, I am part of the Siblings who survived. We played a big part in the ending of World War 3, made adjustments to the Anti codes to make life safer and more simple for Antis, heroes, and civilians alike. Last but not least were called survivors because we were experiments. Our mother was a positive matter force and our father an Anti, yet they had us three by the miracle of whatever God there is for our lowly world. My brother came out Anti and my sister came out positive. Me on the other hand are a little more complicated.
I can use both without hurting myself or my mind. Same goes for touching people, I'm immune to it and the other person is unharmed. For ten years I've been classified as the most powerful being on Earth. Yet everyone asks me why im not a hero or don't run the world ( which they have offered on a yearly basis) or why I don't try to make more money off my immense powers.  
It’s simply because unlike my Annie or my brother whose name is Bracktost, I use my powers and brain at the same time to make sure life itself stays in a form of balance or equality.

 They died from ignorance, greed, selfishness, from wanting all and depriving yourself of what your soul and body needs. For in everything they would've died for these reasons are in vain! 
Rape and assiested suicude! Instead of death in a war zone protecting friends and loved ones in harm's way they deprive each other of self respect and went at it till they died. Its to bad the man who raped Annie was in fact our brother Bracktost. That's why after america won the war from me mind controlling every austrainlin into standing down or killing each other, I stayed to myself outside of my siblings drama filled lives. My nice little cozy, empty, three bedroom, luxury house with two floors. Being in here acutely helps me stay sane with all my PTSD or whatever it’s called. I smoke a blunt and ignore the world in hopes of the world ignoring me but yet im once again the whole world's center of attention and i'm still not even fully dressed. I don't have to make money because I have so much, well I did…… until today, Enlightenment day. The day the world truly ended as I know it, and I became a God.





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