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A basic input in the decision processes of operations management because they provide information on future demand.
The primary goal of operations management is to match ___ to demand.
Anticipated demand is derived from two possible sources, actual customer orders and ___.
___-term forecasts pertain to ongoing operations.
___-term forecasts pertain to new products or services, new equipment, new facilities, or something else that will require a somewhat long lead time to develop, construct, or otherwise implement.
Forecasting is also an important component of ___ management, which relates to the percentage of capacity being used.
The two uses for forecasts is to help managers plan the system, and the other is to help them plan the ___ of the system.
___ techniques generally assume that the same underlying causal system that existed in the past will continue to exist in the future.
Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more ___ than forecasts for individual items because forecasting errors among items in a group usually have a canceling effect.
Forecast accuracy ___ as the time period covered by the forecast—the time horizon—increases.
Properly prepared forecasts should be ___, accurate, reliable, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, ___, reliable, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, accurate, ___, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
meaningful units
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, accurate, reliable, ___(dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, accurate, reliable, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in ___ (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, accurate, reliable, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), ___ (in understanding and use), and cost effective (benefits outweighing costs).
Properly prepared forecasts should be timely, accurate, reliable, meaningful units (dependent on user needs), in writing (consistent for everyone reading), simple (in understanding and use), and ___ effective (benefits outweighing costs).
The 6 basic steps of forecasting: Determine ___; Establish time horizon; Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data; Select a forecasting technique;Make the forecast; and Monitor the forecast errors.
time horizon
The 6 basic steps of forecasting: Determine purpose; Establish ___ ___; Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data; Select a forecasting technique;Make the forecast; and Monitor the forecast errors.
appropriate data
The 6 basic steps of forecasting: Determine purpose; Establish time horizon; Obtain, clean, and analyze ___ ___; Select a forecasting technique;Make the forecast; and Monitor the forecast errors.
The 6 basic steps of forecasting: Determine purpose; Establish time horizon; Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data; Select a forecasting ___; Make the forecast; and Monitor the forecast errors.
Make the forecast
The 6 basic steps of forecasting: Determine purpose; Establish time horizon; Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data; Select a forecasting technique; ___ ___ ___; and Monitor the forecast errors.
___ = Actual − Forecast or:
t=given time period
Error = ___ − Forecast or:
t=given time period
Error = Actual − ___ or:
t=given time period
mean absolute deviation (MAD)
___ ___ ___ is the average absolute error
mean squared error (MSE)
___ ___ ___ is the average of squared errors

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