#2 Storm (800 words)

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The door clicked slowly as John opened it. Weak light from the hall flooded in their livingroom.

The light, monotone sound from the rain could also be heard inside.
The thunderstorm, that started about an hour ago, seemed to have stopped.

"Alex, I'm back home! I also brought some food from-"
He said as he entered the room but paused when he couldn't spot Alex anywhere.

He wasn't sitting on the couch while tipping something on his laptop as usual, neither was he in the kitchen.

The hall's lights went off as a lightening, followed by a loud thunder streaked and caused a blackout.

John flinched at the sound.

Where was Alex?
Was he already sleeping? That wouldn't be very typical, since he probably didn't even know what 'sleep' is.

John set his bags aside on the kitchen table. He could feel his heart pounding, eventhough he knew it was stupid.

Why was he worried? He's just sleeping. He's just sleeping.

John, still in his shoes and coat, walked to the bedroom and opened the door slowly. It was also dark inside.

The bed was empty.

He looked around the room and saw a small figure wrapped in a thin blanket sitting under the window in total darkness.

He saw that Alexander was shaking strongly and that he was hiding his face in his hands.

Everything was quiet.
He wasn't noticing John, neither looking up to him.

Suddenly, Alex left out the sobs he had been holding in for the last hour. He couldn't take it anymore.

He didn't want to cry.
He wanted to proof himself he had become stronger. But he couldn't.

He didn't want to scare John. Alexander didn't want John to see him like this.
Nobody knew about his phobia. He managed to hide it over all the years.

But now he failed.

John was in awe. He had never seen his Alexander like this.

John rushed to his boyfriend as fast as he could. Alex finally looked up to John. His hair was even messier than always and his face flooded with tears. His eyes were just empty.

"Lexi...please... calm down, it's alright, I'm here with you", John said in a soft tone, tied Alexander in his arms and slowly rubbed his back. 
He still had no idea what was going on.

Alex was weak and he was still shaking, but tried to hold on to John as strong as he could. He wasn't able to answer yet.
His tears dropped down on John's back.

"Shh... it's alright."

John sturted to hum a soothing tune.


The rain outside began to slow down.

When Alex' breathing got back to his normal pace, John carefully loosened the grip on Alex, so he could look in his face.

John tried to crack a little smile to reassure Alex, but seeing him like this just made his heart ache.

He helped Alex stand up, and they both sat down on their bed. John wiped away the last tears that were resting on Alexander's face. Alex didn't dare look at him.

"Alex... please tell me what happened. I will do anything to help you, no matter what it is." John said and gently pushed Alex' chin up, so he could look at him.

Alex hated himself at this moment.
Although there was no real reason to panic, he did.
Still. After all those years.
And now, his John was scared about him, even though there was no actual reason.

"It... it's nothing really. I'm sorry John..." Alex stuttered while still avoiding eye contact.

John took his hands. "I'm serious, talk to me. You know you can trust me", he said quietly and looked in Alexander's eyes with a worried gaze.

Alex took a deep breath.
John wouldn't laugh at him.
John would never laugh at him.

At this moment, a white bold stroke not far from the builing. It lit the whole room up for a second.

Alex face turned white.

He counted, almost whispering:
"One two three for five six seven eight ni-"


At this moment, a brutal thunder shook to whole room.

Alex flinched right into John arms, all his tears returning.

At this moment, John had already realised what was happening.

Of course... the hurricane... why didn't I notice earlier?

John held him as tight as he could and placed a little kiss on Alexander's forehead. Alex burried his face in John's neck.

"It's alright... everything's alright", he whispered and carefully stroke through Alex hair.

"I know it's the storm and I exactly know that you hate to say it. Lexi... there's nothing to be ashamed of.
I'll stay here with you until it's over, I'll always stay with you.
Now, please tell your beautiful face to stop crying. You really scared me,my love."

Alex dared to look at John again, who was staring at him in the most loving way.

"What did I do to deserve you..." Alex murmurred quietly.
"...sorry for scaring you like this"

"Don't you apologize", John said while kicking off his shoes and getting up to change into his pyjamas.

"I'm sorry", Alex chuckled lightly.

John looked at him with a faked annoyed glance and smiled.

Alex was already snuggled up under the covers and waiting for John to join him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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