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"We need to conquer east!!"
"Yes!!!!" Many people echoed.
"Patience, my brothers", Morys said. Ser Morys of House Whysmouth sat on the throne of Storm's End that morning with hundreds of his men standing before him.
House Whysmouth overthrew House Baratheon that possessed the Kingdom under Gendry Baratheon, who was given the title of Lord of Storm's End by the Dragon Queen herself. That battle ended the life of Gendry Baratheon. After taking complete control of Storm's End, they started to plunder neighboring villages. One of their ventures brought them to Orys' village.
"We received message from an unknown house, living close in the South-East. The raven that brought the message flew from that area".
"Maybe some low-born house trying to gain themselves a name", someone said. Morys nodded.
"May I read it?" His advisor, Wollis asked.
"Go on".
Wollis collected it and started reading it. When he finished reading it, he turned the back. Instantly, his face paled.
Wollis, for one, was old. But he understood threats, especially this one.
"Gentlemen", he said, his hands shaking. " We have a big problem".
"What could it be?" Morys asked, collecting it back.
"Turn it back", Wollis said, his breath shallow.
Morys turned it. Instantly his eyes widened. His hands started shaking. He knew that symbol very well.
Turning to his men, he shouted-

What do you think the message could contain?
What kind of threat?
And from whom?
Could this threat be Dornish?!?
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Let me get your ideas and comments🙏🏽

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