2-history repeats itself

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we get to my house and see an ambulance starting to drive away. we run inside of the house to see noah crying on the sofa.

"m-m-mom i-is in a c-com-a again." he sobs

our mother is diabetic. when me and noah were only 7 years old she was in a deep coma for 2 years and then for 1 year she was paralysed. when she eventually woke up she was diagnosed with severe brain damage. our dad is always home usually, but last week he went on a business trip so me and noah have been her "carers".

since this is her second coma in a short amount of time she only has a little chance of living. mother usually remembers to take her medicine on a morning but of course today she forgot so her blood sugar dropped a lot.

finn then got a phone call and went into the other room to pick up.

"noah." i say on the verge of tears "mom will be strong...if she can do it once she can do it 10 times."

but in reality i know that's not the truth. noah just nods his head and looks away again.

"millie, noah pack your stuff your coming to live with me, my mom and maddie." finn says
in a 'i feel so sorry for you' type of tone.

"w-what n-no we can do that!" i exclaim.

"yes you can." he replies. "you can't live by yourselves because your both 16 and your dad won't be back very soon and my mom is kind of your aunt so she can basically 'adopt you' until your mom is better."

-time skip to in finns house-

"hey sweeties!" mrs.wolfhard says as we all walk into the house. "millie sweetie, you'll be sharing maddies room with her and noah you'll be sharing a room with finnie."


sorry this was a short one guys💜 i don't want to depress you guys for too long so i am going to be making the "sadder" chapters shorter.

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