Chapter Sixteen

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I got back home the next day, still not having reached Siobhan to tell her the good news but by then I had decided in person would be best. As soon as I got home, I ran to her house but no one was there. I tried her dad's shop but he hadn't seen her since that morning. I tried the playground, the river, the lake, everywhere we usually hang out. "Where the hell could she be?" I wondered aloud.

As I walked past Thomas' house, I could hear yelling. Devon's car was parked out front and I realized it was her voice, screaming at him. "Shit!" I said as I walked closer to the door. I heard him trying to apologize and ask for her forgiveness.

"Please, Siobhan, it didn't mean anything to me. I just, I don't even know what got into me."

She laughed that sarcastic laugh of hers, "Well, I sure know who you got into and it sure as hell wasn't me! And that's the whole reason you did it because I wouldn't!"

"Yes, but it meant nothing! I made a mistake. I love you!"

There was silence for a moment, "You love me?" she asked him softly.

"No, Siobhan don't believe him. He doesn't love you!" I whispered to myself while eavesdropping on everything. I couldn't help it.

"Yes, of course I do, baby."

"Don't touch me, Devon. If you loved me, you would've never done that." I could hear her sobbing and wanted to run in there and rescue her from that asshole but didn't dare move. "I thought you were different from every guy in this stupid town. Turns out the only decent one is Niall."

I smiled at that before Devon laughed, "Niall? Seriously? That fool wouldn't know what landed in his lap if it slapped him in the dick!"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"C'mon, Siobhan, everyone knows he likes you. Problem is, he doesn't have the balls to fucking say so. Plus, where has he been the past six months? I don't recall you ever wanting to hang out with your best friend."

"We had an argument, not that that's any of your business. But we just made up and are back to being friends. And Niall doesn't like me, not like that."

"He'd be fucking blind not to. Everyone has a thing for you in this town. And I don't know how I got so lucky to get you and I know I messed it up but please, Siobhan, baby, let me try. I promise I will never do anything so stupid again. C'mon, I came back as soon as I had a moment free."

There was a long pause before she said, "I'll have to think about it, Devon. What you did really hurt me. I know you've been wanting to have sex but just because I wasn't ready doesn't mean you go out and fuck the first girl who says yes." Another pause, "Look, I have to go. I listened to what you had to say but I don't know yet. I need to think about it." I then ducked as I heard the front door open and her walk out into the twilight.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. There's no way in hell she's dumb enough to take him back! Maybe she was just trying to be nice and avoid more arguing. But is it really that obvious that I like her? It probably was. And he was right, I didn't have the guts to tell her.

I walked home lost in thought, it only breaking when I heard someone shouting my name. "Niall!" I turned and saw Siobhan running up behind me.

"Siobhan, hey!' I said as she caught up to me.

"You're back! Yay! How'd it go?" She gave me a hug.

"It went great! I got in!"

She looked at me as her eyes widened, "Holy shit, Niall!" She grabbed my hands and began jumping up and down in the middle of street. I started jumping with her. "Tell me all about it!" She grabbed me and we ran to the playground. Sitting down on the roundabout I told her everything. "Oh, my god, Niall, I'm so fucking excited and happy for you!"

"Thanks. I wish you had come with us. I really wanted you there. Plus, you should've auditioned, too. Your voice is a billion times better than mine. You would've gotten through for sure. And then we could both go and get out, like we said we would. Maybe you still could! We could get you in to the Cardiff or Manchester auditions!"

She looked at me a moment, "Niall, those are too close to just up and go. Maybe next time." She smiled a sad smile. I knew she wanted to but didn't understand what was holding her back. It was probably the money. I didn't want to say anything, afraid of making her upset.

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" I asked, hoping she'd tell me about Devon.

"Not much. Went to the river Sunday and then was at my dad's shop yesterday," she stopped for a moment, looking unsure what to say next, "Devon came back this morning, trying to apologize."

I looked at her, "You didn't accept it did you?"

"No. I don't know. He kept saying he was sorry and you know what, he actually said he loved me. The first time someone says that to me and it's in the middle of an apology for fucking someone else. How fucked up is that?"

"Oh, Siobhan, I'm sorry." I said, as I pulled her into a hug, my heart beating so fast. "But you know I love ya, right?"

"I know but that's not the same. I want someone to be in love with me. And the first guy to say it to me doesn't even fucking mean it." She nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck, sighing.

'If you only knew,' I thought to myself.

"So, what are you going to do? About Devon, I mean?"

She sighed a heavy sigh and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't think I should forgive him. I don't want to be that girl. I don't want to be the girl that falls for the bullshit when she knows its bullshit. But, at the same time, he's the first guy I've ever dated. My first boyfriend, how do you let that go?"

"Easy, you find someone better," I said, half laughing, half screaming inside my head that I was the someone better.

"Easier said than done, Nialler. Don't exactly have the greatest of options when it comes to boys in this town."

"All the more reason to audition and come with me," I said, nudging her.

"Niall, stop with the auditions, it's not going to happen. Not right now." She let go and stood up. "I think it's time for bed. It's been a long fucking day." She turned to give me a hug and when she pulled away to look at me, her features lit up by the moon, there was a sadness in her eyes that I couldn't quite figure out.

At that moment, I wanted to kiss her. Every inch of me wanted to wrap her up and kiss every inch of her. To tell her that I loved her; that I was in love with her; that I was the good guy she needed. But, Devon was right, I didn't have the balls. And as soon as the moment came, she let go and it was gone.

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