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Saoirse had worried the others long enough. She was going to keep her promise to Aymeric and get better. The next morning, she woke early and found Haurchefant in the kitchen before he could make it to her room. "Good morning, Haurchefant."

Haurchefant removed the Apkallu omelette from his pan and onto a plate before turning to Saoirse. "Ah, the sun, she has risen!" He walked around the island counter to meet her. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in his embrace. "It is so splendid to see you up and about." He set her back onto her feet and placed his hand on her head. "You have even brushed your hair and changed your clothes. You must be feeling better."

Saoirse was embarrassed by how little she'd been caring for herself, more so knowing the others had noticed her disheveled appearance as of late. She looked to the floor. "Yes...I am certainly trying anyway. I was hoping we could eat together, since I so rudely refused you before."

"It would be an honor. Please, take a seat." Haurchefant gestured to the table in the corner of the room. "I've made almond cream croissants and an Apkallu omlettes for us today." He grabbed the plates from the counter and slid one before her.

"Wow, this is too're a very gifted cook!" The presentation and aroma alone were enough to stir her appetite. Saoirse took a bite and another, not realizing how hungry she'd been. She looked up and noticed Haurchefant not eating. "Do I have something on my face?"

His smile was warm, and he shook his head. "I'm just joyed to see you in better spirits. My apologies for staring."

"It's alright." Saoirse looked to her food. Haurchefant had been cooking for her like this for days and she'd barely touched it...but he never made her feel poorly about it. He'd been kind and continued his efforts without complaint. She looked up to thank him but when she did, she was certain she saw Estinien walk in from the side entrance. She blinked. "I must still have a fever."

Haurchefant tilted his head. "Oh? Are you warm? Lightheaded? Need I get you medicine?"

Saoirse shook her head and watched what she believed to be a phantom of her fever walking through the kitchen. "No, I just..." She looked back to Haurchefant trying not to think about it. "I'm just seeing things." She gave an awkward laugh. "I've been so preoccupied by Estinien lately that I'm seeing him now."

Haurchefant turned around. "Perhaps I am with fever as well then...Because I see him too."

Estinien looked up from pouring his coffee. "What are you fools gaping at?"

"Ah, the phantom, he speaks!"

Estinien approached Haurchefant and flicked his forehead. "Did you lose what little modicum of intellect you had while I was away?"

"Ow." Haurchefant rubbed his forehead. "I had not realized you'd returned."

"Aye. Unfortunately, Ishgard still has need of me." Estinien glanced down at Saoirse who stared up at him. "Your food grows cold. Excuse me." He said nothing else before walking away.

"He drinks his coffee black you match the color of his wicked heart."

Saoirse turned her attention back to Haurchefant and forced herself to smile. "Perhaps that is why he is always so bitter." She was happy that Estinien had returned, even if it hurt to see him again and to know that things were different now...but she wouldn't cry. Not anymore.

Saoirse acted like nothing had ever happened between her and Estinien when she was around him. The sooner things went back to normal, the sooner she could forget. It was necessary to move on. For her...for the others and for Eorzea.

With the truth of Ishgard's faith being built upon lies, chaos and societal upheaval loomed over the city. It was only a matter of time. While Ysale and Haurchefant had calmed the tensions between most heretics and knights, there were some who would not be persuaded, so as Aymeric prepared to confront the Archbishop, Saoirse and the others did their best to extinguish whatever flames they could. When dividing members into teams for the variety of tasks to be done, it made most sense for Saoirse to accompany Estinien who'd been asked to deal with the lingering followers of Nidhogg who plagued the lands outside of Ishgard...but nobody would say it. So, the choice was left to her... She was to choose between Haurchefant and Ysale's group, leaving Estinien on his own. But Saoirse chose neither.

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