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Warning not proofread or edited

Prince Alexander's POV

I stretched my sore jaws into another smile as another royal family wished me a happy birthday. I mentally rolled my eyes as I could hear the underlying tone of malice and jealously as they showed their fake smiles riddled with greed. I huffed softly as I slumped in my chair and rested my hand on my cheek, why isn't he here as yet? He should've arrived ages ago. Sighing again, I pulled half of my cheek up in a half assed smile as the Duke and Duchess of Ellington came smiling widely up at me with their daughter in tow ugh. "Your Highness." They chorused as they all bowed in sync. Cue the annoyance. I waved them off as they came up from their bow.  "My Prince." My whole being cringed at the way she uttered my title. "Priscilla." I greeted in a flat tone trying to get across my annoyance towards them. "How are you?" She insisted, making my face scrunched softly in anger. "Fine." Won't she get the hint. "Well why don't we-" she was cut of mid sentence when I got up abruptly muttering a excuse me as I saw Stellan surfacing through the crowd with a frantic King. "Father what is the matter?" I asked as soon as I approached them. "It's your birthday and you're not having a good time and you're not engaging with the royals, the town's folk or anyone and I feel like I failed as a father because-" I chuckled softly as I kissed his balding head "Father fret not, you know that I love and appreciate everything you do for me. So don't worry I'll find someone soon." His face brightened up along with his cheeks as a smile graced his face. I patted his cheek as I gazed at the love swimming in his eyes, I smiled even wider as I turned to Stellan. "Could I speak to you for a moment, excuse us father." I bowed gently as I walked towards my throne. "Stellan why isn't he here as yet?" The anxiousness ate away at my voice as I spoke. Stellan sighed softly before he adjusted his posture. "Kelan had reported back to me when he had brought them here to the castle your highness." I glared slightly at his bowed form. "And how long ago was that?" He looked at me point blank as he replied. " An hour ago." I sighed loudly as I scanned the crowd for the beautiful suit I had sent him. I know for fact that no one would be wearing the assortment of colors I had picked out for him, I almost gave up when my eyes caught a glimpse of one of his stepbrothers. He looked nice in his simple black suit and blue shirt, however his face was solemn and eyes sad as he gazed at the balcony doors. "Stellan there is one of Cinder's stepbrothers go ask him of his whereabouts, I'm getting antsy." Stellan nodded and walked towards the sad boy and spoke briefly to him. I watched the interaction with calculating eyes gouging their every reactions towards anything being said. Stellan came back shortly with a neutral face. " It seems Cinder was not well enough to attend."  My expression turned to that of confusion. Not well? " You told me this afternoon that he was fine and well." Stellan nodded as his face also scrunched in confusion. " He was at the time." He replied and the mild look of worry washed over his face. "Excuse me your Highness." I turned to see Priscilla smiling at me "Not now." I grit out turning back to Stellan "but your Highness~" she whined again and I just snapped. " Get your clown looking self the fuck outta here before I make you." The anger potent as she flinched backwards and skittered off. "Bring me Cinder this instant." I growled out to Stellan as he bowed slightly then turned towards the exit. How dare he make me, The fucking Prince wait. My fists clenched as I glared at everyone at my gathering. These people are nothing but snakes trying to slither their way into the royal family, worthless turds.

"Your Highness, we wish you a splendid and prosperous birthday." I looked down on the three bowing before me. Their attires so simple, they wouldn't have blended in if it was an only royals party. The father of the two stood straight as he smiled crookedly at me " I'm not sure if you remembered but these are my sons, Driu and Anas and they are honored to be in your presence." The one called Driu bowed with so much effort that he looked a bit constipated while Anas just stood and lowered his head, sadness pretty much seeping from his being. "Excuse me." I watched as Anas turned and hightailed it towards the door, gripping his wrist to his chest. What happened to him? I questioned myself as my attention was drawn back to the two. The man opened his mouth to speak again but I decided I had heard enough "you had a third, where is he?" His eyes became dark but his lips still smiled as he replied. "I have not a third son your Highness. The boy you saw at the house was none but a servant sire." I nodded softly in recognition at what he said giving the impression that I had believed him. I sat there patiently waiting for my dear Cinder to arrive, blocking out everyone and everything who isn't him. But when the clock struck twelve and the guests started to disperse, my body sagged in disappointment as I quickly made my way to the study to ignore everyone especially my father, who I know will come to question me. This has by far been the worst birthday I've ever had, and the more I thought about Cinder not wanting to come near or even look at me, the angrier I got. A scream of anger erupted from my mouth as I smashed anything in my path, breaking, tearing, ripping up anything my hands touched. Just you wait Cinder, as soon as you step foot into this castle I'll show you who you belong to.

Hey readers, so I wasn't sure how to end this chapter and yes I know the original Cinderella met the prince at the castle at the ball but this isn't the original Cinderella is it????? So anyways do you think the Prince's anger was justified and what should I have for breakfast? Tune in next chapter in the Life. Of. Cinder Ella. Byeeee~

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