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This chapter is dedicated to all the readers who take their time and make me happy with their comments.

Love you all.❤️❤️


Badley Nahi Hai
Duniya Ko Samajh Gaye Hai...


I am going back to Delhi today. The place where I was born. The place where I lost my parents. The place where I lost my heart. The place which contains my best and worst memories.

I say I have moved on but I myself don't know whether I have or not. It's not easy to get over your first love. It's not easy to forget a person whom you wished to spend your whole life with. It's not easy to move on from the memories you created together. It's not easy. Not easy at all.

The day I moved from Delhi was the day my heart stopped beating. It stopped functioning without him, without them, my family. Yes, I shifted from Delhi but my heart and soul rested there with them.

The thought of going back is giving me chills. I don't want to go there yet at the same time I want to. I want to test myself and show him that I changed. I wanted to show him my strong side. I want to win control over my heart again and that could be done only when I face him.

I want to go back and show him that I am not the same naive girl anymore. I want to show him that I have changed, for good. I want to show him that he doesn't affect me anymore. Going back is a test for me which I want to pass with flying colors.

"Are you ready to go dove ?"

Murat's voice breaks me out of my trance. He was expectantly looking at me waiting for my answer.

"I am."

I answer him, an unknown confidence rising inside me. I hope this new found confidence of mine works well.

"Okay, then let's go."

He dropped me off on the airport and promised me that he'll join me after two days. He will finish all his work and join me for appi's wedding for ten days. He is my good friend and I need him with me.

Sitting inside the plane I sighed waiting for my destination.

Here I come Delhi.


After spending one and a half hour inside the plane she finally reached Delhi and booked a cab for her old home. To Ahwaan villa.

She was feeling nervous to go inside and meet everyone. She was nervous of their reaction. She was afraid that they will hate her for leaving them even when Aamina and Murat assured her they won't. She knew that it was her fault to leave them without informing but she was helpless. She knew if Taya abba gets to know about what Mustafa did then he surely would had broken all his ties with him and she didn't wanted that at all. She didn't wanted him to go through the same feeling which she went through. The feeling of being an orphan. It was her fault that she fell for him and it was his choice to marry asmara.

Taking a deep breath she gathered all her courage and walked inside her home. Everyone was sitting at the breakfast table unaware of her arrival. She didn't wanted anyone to receive her, as she didn't wanted to get used to their love again because her arrival was short and she wanted it to end as soon as possible.

Everyone was sitting at the dinning table quietly having breakfast. They all looked like robots, lifeless just like Aamina described her. She was stunned to see her family like that. Ahwaan Villa's environment seemed to be gloomy and she didn't like it at all.

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