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Ye Bhi Acha Hai Ke Sirf
Sunta Hai Dil,
Agar Bolta Toh Qayamat Hoti....


The next day Maria went towards the breakfast table with a big smile on her face to start a new and fresh day, trying to enjoy her limited days at her Abba's house. Yes, her home was in Mumbai now. Ahwaan villa was just her Abba's house.

She was happy after so long and longed to stay like that only. Her motive was simple and clear. It was to ignore Mustafa Ahwaan and stay happy. Staying away from him was her key to happiness.

But as much as she succeeded avoiding him the whole day she wasn't able to avoid him at the dinning table just like now. He was sitting across her giving her his best smile whenever their gazes clashed with each other. There was a time she loved seeing him smile but right now his smile was making her feel annoyed and she was ready to bash him if he didn't take his irritating gaze off her.

"Baba Noor want coco cake..."

She sighed in relief when little Noor diverted all his attention towards herself.

"Baby they are finished. See, none is left."

From the corner of her eyes she saw him cooing his daughter who was in no mood to listen to him. Maybe she was stubborn just like him.

"No. Noor want coco cake."

She pouted and gave him an innocent look, gathering big fat tears in her eyes which were ready to flow if her father denies her again.

"She is a chocolate pancake fan just like you and stubborn too. Now she won't stop until she gets what she wants."


Osama whispered inside her ear clearing her confusion on coco cake.
She was ready to speak when they heard Aamina speaking

"Noorie. You can have it tommorow baby. There is no need to cry."

Going towards Noor she tried taking her from her brother but she jerked her hands off her and started wailing loudly getting everyone's attention.

"No. No. No...."

Clutching her father's shirt she sobbed keeping her head on his shoulder wetting his shirt with her tears, paining his heart.

"Noor. You can have my pancake.."

Not able to see the little girl cry Maria spoke turning everyone's head in her direction including Noor's who's tears were long gone replaced with a big smile.

"It's okay....Wait !!! Noor..."

Mustafa looked towards her direction to decline when Noor jumped from his lap and ran towards Maria with a wide innocent smile melting her heart then and there.

Opening her little arms she pouted trying to sit on her lap, making Maria startle with her actions. After contemplating for few seconds she smiled picking her up settling little Noor on her lap and fed her ignoring a shocked Mustafa.

"You shouldn't have called her. She is turning stubborn and doesn't stops till all her wishes are fulfilled."

Mustafa sighed sharing a look with Maria who was feeding Noor.

"So you were okay to let her cry just because she is stubborn ?"

Giving him an annoyed look she turned her concerntration towards Noor who was tugging her hand with an open mouth asking her to feed her.

My Unrequited LoveWhere stories live. Discover now