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Pokemon owns the Characters I do Not

Timeline in Ash Journey we will pull Ash and his friends right after the Episode Lillier and the Staff for future reference

We will have all Ash companion and even some of his rivals like Gary Paul and Trip and Sawyer.

Ash Pikachu will be there it wouldn't be a story with Ash if he doesn't have Pikachu

Now that we have that settled down

-Turns attention to a movie theatre from I had specially designed from Arceus after i did a favor for him* and thanks you Arceus for this

*Your welcome Tony I make an appearance in watching an episode or 2 from time to time if you don't mind*

Of course it ok your God Pokemon what can I do to stop you.

*Arceus laughs*

Tony goes inside and gets the food ready making Several tons of Popcorn as we going be here a while and brought out 5 different stores toa equivalent of 3 tons of Candy and brought out 6 stores with 3.5 ton of soda for this event and starts using psychic powers with the help of his espeon and a Shiny Lucario(female) to the screening which will where we will have everyone watch every episode and possibly movies.

Is everything set Tony asked his 2 partners


Riooo (yes master)

Don't call me Master Lucario i don't like that I said

Anyway it time as I snapped my Fingers and several smaller holes appeared.

First one to appear was toi my shock Paul followed by Brock and Misty wondering where they were. Then May and Max were wondering where they were and at the same time wondering how they ended up togethering since Max was in Hoenn and and not with May. Then came Bonnie and Clemont from the Lumiose Gyms and were wondering how they got inside a movie theatre as Clemont noticed the big white screen. Next was Serena who fell through a hole from Hoenn wondering how she got there though she was very happy to see Bonnie and Clemont. Next was iris and Cilan from johto and how they got was very confusing and with people they never seen till suddenly Dawn showed up. And saw Brock Iris Cilan and May there and wave them hi as dawn introduced Iris and Cilan to May Brock and everyone there. Just as they thought they were finishing introducing Sawyer and Trip and Gary Oak appeared. They introduced each other with everyone. Then Tracey appeared and introduced myself. Then Finally Ash Friends from alola Sophocles,Kiawe,Lillie, Mallow, Lana show up and introduced themselves.

I announced Looks like everyone is here then he counted heads and realized he was missing 2 people/Pokemon and he looked at the hole.

Meanwhile Serena was thinking and said out loud why are we here though?

Immediately everyone thought and said the same thing

Because I brought you here I stepped out of the shadow and so did my espeon and Lucario

Before anyone else moved or said a word Bonnie ran and squeezed espeon to death by cuddling and saying WHAT A CUTE POKEMON.

Instantly bonnie was on top of Espeon and squeezing espeon to death when Espeon use it psychic to lift bonnie off of him. Bonnie if I were you I would stop

Why? Bonnie asked

Espeon gets mad when someone roughs him like that as it thinks it is getting attacked.

Oh I'm sorry espeon as she patted espeon on back which espeon responded with a purring like espeeeee

Anyway back to what I was gonna say I got you all here to witness actions and events of a certain someone which I see is not here when I sworn i made a portal to bring him here. But like I suspect he might be in trouble like he usually is so give a moment.

Tony goes through a blueish portal unlike the ones the other came in which were a reddish with a hint of yellow.

A few seconds later he brings his final 2 and everyone instantly recognized as Ash and Pikachu

Hey guys uh what we all doing Ash said we about to find out Ash Misty with a certain sassy that scared the living nightmare out of Ash.

Ok Misty you don't need to be so mean ok ,it was just a question ash replied

Pikaaa(sighed they going at it again)

Anyway now that we are here we will watching Ash Journey

From the beginning to where it is now to even the Future. I got us popcorn Candy and Soda to Enjoy the episodes.

But before anyone could ask a question I said oh time in the real world will pass for 30 seconds when this is all set and done

WHAT!!!!!!! Everyone in the building said

Max was the first to ask the most important just how many episodes are there

There are currently over 1050 episodes I said with a Happy Face.

A Second collective of WHAT screams happens

Before we Start do you guys want to watch movies or no we will vote on it now.

Everyone but Paul said yes to the movies

It been Decides we will do the movies in between certain episodes to fit the Timeline I said.

Brock Timeline?

You can't watch movies in Random order of the episodes you gotta do it right I said.

Take for example Ash infernape when it evolved from Chimchar into Monferno there a movie that has him as Monferno so it has to take place after his evolution into Monferno but before his evolution into Infernape do y'all get it.

Everyone either said yes or nodded their heads.

Our very first Episode will be ash first day on his Journey and it called "Pokemon I choose you"

I will try to write at mimimial once a Week one episode per week 2 if I freed up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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