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I pushed my body into the door, the weight of my body pushing it open. I held my hand roughly onto my side as blood began to run along my skin, staining it a dark red.
When I walked in my eyes glanced around the room spotting Zak.
"Zak!" I cried out, my voice shaky with pain.
He looked up, eyes on me. Those dark brown eyes followed the blood that dripped down onto the tile.
"Zak! Everyone's gone, they-" before I could finish his voice out did mine.
"You're bleeding on my tile"
"Zak did you hear me! Everyone's dead! Everyone's died!" I yelled. His eyes shot up.
"Shut up!" He replied, eyeing the room Incase anyone was there listening.
"What are we going to do?" I asked with worry in my voice. I blinked as my eyes began to fall blurry.
Zak must've noticed as he grabbed me and took me to the bathroom. All I could remember is me screaming and feeling pain Run along my body.
My eyes began to flutter open when I could hear the sound of the tv, glass breaking. I quickly tried to move but grunted in extreme pain. I looked down and saw I was naked, well my shirt was Gone. That's it. I noticed my stomached wrapped. I sighed and slowly stood making my way out of the bathroom and into the noise. What I saw made me frown, glass everywhere as well as papers and tables. I looked up to stare at the tv. I watched it and sure enough it was talking about the shit that had happened to our gang.
My hands collapsed onto Zaks as he stormed passed me.
"What are you doing..." I asked.
"Leaving..I quite. I'm moving. You better leave before they come looking at this house for me and you" he spoke, glancing at the tv as it said mine and his name.
I quickly shook my head, my eyes stared at him with worry.
"I have no where to go! Please let me go with you..." I begged.
It went silent for awhile before he nodded and jerked his head towards the back door.
I nodded and bolted to the back. When I got out of the house I saw a old car, rusty and low to the ground. He had nicer cars but I knew what was going on. He didn't wanna be spotted easily so our get away car is a old rustic car.
I got in and sighed deeply, smelled of pot and sweat. This sent making me gag, disgusting. My eyes darted around the car, it was rather clean but just smelt of death. I shivered in disgust before watching the other enter the car. He started it up with a roar to the engine and looked at me, eyes gentle to the gaze. I smiled at him, trying to relax his nerves that I could probably still feel from miles away.
My body was relaxed and calm when I woke up, we've been driving for hours now. I sat up and looked over at Zakary with my large eyes. He looked at me and didn't say anything but have a small smirk on his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down. That was quite weird for him to randomly smirk at me. I shook my head and watched the signs and things fly past my window.
"We're at a rest stop, two minutes tops and then I'm leaving with or without you" he spoke, dead serious. I could tell because of the tone of his voice.
I nodded and hurried out of the car, I bolted to the bathroom, zipped down my pants and began to pee, I sighed in pleasure.
I walked back out of the bathroom to spot zak staring off the mountain, the beautiful view. I creeped over and peered down over his shoulder. He jumped when noticing I was their, his eyes tense as he stared at me. He relaxed once noticing it was me. I flashed a low smile before it was ruined, he turned sharply and got back into the car, I quickly followed.
"Another long car ride" the male spoke, I nodded and sat back.

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