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    I sat in the back of the car, the females head laid against my lap as she laid their asleep. she slept a lot, which worried me but at the same time at Austins you rarely got sleep so I understander pain. as mega and v sat in the front of the car I began to fall asleep myself. my mind wondered in places I hated, from sex to Austin to me and Zak.

    once the car had stopped wet made it to megas house, it was ginormous. I smirked and looked at mega.

    "all that Minecraft" I laughed as vinny soon enough joined. 

     we hopped out of the car and made our way inside the house, purity still asleep as she clung onto me.

    "is their a room-" before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted and answered. 

    "upstairs last door on the left" mega responded. "beer?" he added.

    I shook my head and made my way up to the room. I laid purity down on the bed and tucked her in as I made my way towards the shower. 

    I undressed and made my way into the shower, the water hit my body causing me to sigh in comfort. the warmth filled my body. I held myself an soon enough tears ran down my face, I gasped for air as I continued to cry, my arms held my chest as I stared down. the water of the shower and my tears suffocating me. I sighed and decided to finish my shower. soon enough I was done crying and I was out of the shower. 

    I wrapped my towel around my body as I made my way out of the bathroom. I looked over at purity and smiled, I was grateful to have her if I couldn't have my lover, Zak.

    I sat on the couch downstairs as I watched the television. mega sat beside me as Vincent staid in the kitchen making us dinner. as the silence filled the house besides the obvious television a scream erupted. PURITY!

   I quickly stood and bolted towards the scream, I grabbed her and pulled her close. I got down on my knees and looked past her to see nothing but pitch black. before vi knew I mega and Vincent was standing behind us in a defensive manner. I held her and stared into the room.

    "what happened?" ic asked her, as I heard her take a deep breath a voice from the room echoed out.

    "who's she?" I heard, a figure making its way towards the light.

    I slowly stood up and once the light hit the males face I began to choke over my tears.



    I bolted in the room and wrapped my hands around the others small body. my head pressed up against his shoulder.

    "I thought you died..." I cried out.

    "no....god he sucks at aiming" he chuckled.

    "he hit my neck, thank god mega knows what the hell he's doing" he added on.

    "zak...umm...I want you to meet someone." I said taking a deep breath. his eyebrows rose in curiosity.

    I moved out of the way, my skin still pressed up against zaks.

    purity stood their as she looked up at us, Zak smiled and opened his arms. she cautiously moved forward as she looked tame. I nodded and soon after she wrapped her arms around his legs.

    we both smiled as I placed my lips against his. he kissed back. before we knew it mega and Vincent were running around the house yelling and of course purity decided to join them. two large men and one small child yelling. 

    after things calmed down we all sat down at the dinner table.

    "what are going to do?" I asked.

    "im not sure.." zak responded.

     "canada..." mega shrugged.

    "yes but about purity" I added.

    "she's coming with us and thats final" zak snapped. we all looked over at him as my heart melted, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

    "she's coming with us" Vincent added as she sat in his lap.

    we all chuckled and shrugged as that was that, no arguments about that.

    "okay and when are going leaving?" I asked.

    "as soon as we get the money, I still have all the money you made Daryl. so we have that but we need a couple more ks" he spoke in return. 

    I did nothing but eat and nod. the rest of the night was calm and chill, purity went to bed at eight and mega went to bed at 10 as Vincent went to sleep at 12 and me and zak staid up. I cleaned and he watched.

    "I missed you...I thought you died" he spoke. 

    I turned back around and sighed out.

    "Zak...I saw you hit the ground as if you really did...I spent days crying over you. I also..was forced by Austin to-" before I finished I was interrupted, seems to be normal now as im fine with it at this point. 

    "no...god im sorry baby boy" he spoke as he stood and made his way over to me. I sighed and rested my head into his chest as we stood their for a good moment. 

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