⚠️Message ⚠️

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Hey so.... this has nothing to do with the actual book. This chapter is based off of a video I saw on an app called tiktok. Unfortunately I can't show you guys the video because Wattpad will only let me show pictures and videos from YouTube. But I am going to write about it. This is something that I really want you guys to read because I don't see this message enough times for people to know. There will be an update on the upcoming chapter after this so, Enjoy!

It was a normal day at school. Aizawa was teaching his class and almost half of them weren't listening. Aizawa sighed decided to let them get some of there homework done in class.

"Kirishima come and pass these papers out please." Aizawa said. Kirishima got out of his seat but ended up tripping over his bag. He didn't fall but his bag did fall on its side. Since the bottom zipper was open some things fell out. Namely pens, and pencils. However there was one thing that fell out that no one in the classroom expected to see. It was a small blue tube. One end of it was about the same width as a pencil and the other was bigger to were you could see the difference but not to much bigger. On the end that was smaller there was a string sticking out.

Kirishima's eyes widened as he saw it rolling away from him. He quickly scrambled to get it however before he could Mina picked it up.

"Kirishima.... Why do you have a tampon?" Mina asked. Kirishima's faces flushed out of embarrassment.

"U-Um... W-Well you s-see.... I was just- U-Um..." He was at a lose for words. He didn't know how to explain why he was holding such a feminine product in his bag without outing himself. Kirishima's mind swirled with thoughts and questions.

'What will they say?'


'What would they do?'


'Would they hate me if I told them?'


'What would they do to me if they knew?'

"U-Uh..." Images of the class calling him names , ignoring him, and doing what his family use to do to him ran through his head. Tears stared to fill Kirishima's eyes. No one noticed but they did see how his face started to grow more red.

Aizawa watched as the interaction took place. He looked at all his students who were all staring at the red haired boy in the room. Then something snapped inside him. He couldn't keep watching this happen to his student. So he did something about it.

"Ashido give Kirishima his products back. For all you know he was more than likely holding it for a friend he is close with and didn't want to embarrass them. Now stop interrupting my class and sit down." Aizawa said in a stern tone. Mina nodded and walked over to kirishima to give the item back. They both then sat down as Aizawa passed out the homework.

The rest of the class period was quite as people worked. There were a few whisper here and there. Most of them were about making plans to meat up after school. So as soon as the bell range all the students in classroom 1A left. All except for one. Eijiro Kirishima. He wanted to thank Aizawa for what he did. He stood in the doorway of his classroom watching the teacher do paperwork. He kept glancing at the teacher and looking in the hallway, making sure no one was there to listen. Once he was sure no one was listening he walked into the classroom and stood in front of the teacher's desk. Aizawa looked up from his paperwork.

"What do you need Kirishima?" Aizawa asked. He knew exactly what he wanted. He just needed him to confirm it. Kirishima bowed.

"Thank you Mr Aizawa.... for helping me earlier." Kirishima said. Aizawa smiled.

"Anytime Eijiro." Aizawa said. Kirishima then stood up straight.

".... and one more thing.... I wasn't holding that for a friend.." Kirishima said hesitantly.

"I know." Aizawa said. Kirishima looked up in shock.

"What do you mean you know?!" Kirishima asked.

"It takes one to know one Kirishima. I saw the signs. I put two and two together a long time ago." Aizawa said kirishima nodded. He then realized what Aizawa had said.

"Wait you said it takes one to know one... what does that mean?" Kirishima asked. Aizawa smirked. 'So he does pay attention.' He thought.

"Come here... I have to show you something." Aizawa said, motioning for kirishima to go on the other side of the desk. Kirishima listened and waited for what Aizawa was going to show him.

Aizawa pulled out a picture of a girl with long black hair and a UA uniform on. He gave the picture to Kirishima. Kirishima looked at it with confusion.

"Who's this?" He asked. Aizawa preparer himself for what he was about to tell his student.

"That's... a picture of me in high school." Aizawa said. Kirishima looked at his teacher in amazement.

"....Your...." Kirishima tried to speak. Aizawa smirked

"Yea.... it's alright you know... you don't have to be afraid of what others will say because at the end of the day it's who you are. Nothing is going to change you. You might have had a name before yours and you are more than likely uncomfortable with your own body, but your still Eijiro Kirishima, and I'm Shota Aizawa. There will be hate. There will always be hate but you have to fight that hate. You can't let it choose who you are. That's how you make a lot of regretful decisions. And if any other students try to say something about it. Just remember your the manliest student I have ever had." Aizawa finished his speech only to see a sobbing Kirishima in front of him. Kirishima then walked up to his teacher and basically tackled him in a hug. Aizawa awkwardly hugged back.

"Thank you Mr Aizawa... that meant a lot..." Kirishima said, though it was slightly muffled. Aizawa chuckled.

"Anytime..... and if you need to talk about it... you could talk to me...." Aizawa said. Kirishima nodded and let go of his teacher.

"Now go wash your face or something. Your friends would know somethings up if you go outside looking like that." Aizawa said Kirishima nodded and walked out of the classroom.

Aizawa stared at the picture on his desk. It was weird to him. How he could be so uncomfortable at one point in his life, but now feel.... like himself. He then remembered the time he was in the exact same situation as Kirishima.

"Aizawa why do you have a tampon?"


"HE WAS HOLDING IT FOR ME!" A voice shouted. Aizawa then turned around to see the source of the voice. He was surprised to see a blond boy about the same age as him.

"Well technically I was also holding it for my friend because she makes me hold everything but I gave it to him because I needed the bathroom and I didn't want to take it with me so I just gave it to him." The blond boy said. Aizawa stared in amusement as the boy came up with a good lie.

Aizawa smiled at the memory. That was also the day he met a certain loud mouth he now called his husband.

Hey so if you didn't understand it basically kirishima is transgender ftm and he was on his period. Aizawa is also transgender and comforts kirishima by telling him its who he is. That's the gist of the chapter. Anyways the next chapter of this story is going to come out in a day or two. It might even come out right after this one. Ok so I guess that's all!

bye bye!

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