liked by celebritea, hoememes and others
xoxogossipceleb There have now been two posts from @tonimahfud which seems to be pointing towards 'Ziam' (aka @liampayne and @zayn)! Toni and Liam have had an apparent relationship back in the day, hence the shade Toni had posted (second picture as reference) and then using @gregwilliamsphotography in his most recent shoot, who is well known to work with Liam! Comments were getting heated in the most recent post (third picture as reference). What do you guys have to say?! Comment below. #liampayne #zaynmalik #tonimahfud #xoxogossipcelebview all comments
inzaynlybright do you guys literally have nothing else better to 'gossip' about 🙄
hoememes i'm living for this tbh
tonimahfudupdates Please just leave them alone. They'll solve it themselves.
ziamupdates @tonimahfudupdates Same here. I think this is all a bit unnecessary.—view replies (10)
saveyoutonight xoxogetthefuckouttahere 🤪
irrelevantlols Why can't they just solve it by having a threesome since it's evident he has a type?
zaddy @irrelevantlols Bro wtf, your username is definitely relatable to what you are—view replies (4)
4:26 pm
zayn: Li?
liampayne: Come over please, babe
liampayne: Did you want me to pick you up?
zayn: It's okay, i'll come to you
zayn: See you soon, handsome❤️
liampayne: Okay baby, see you ❤️