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11:13 am

liampayne: Hi toni.

tonimahfud: Well well, long time no see or hear.

tonimahfud: I'm surprised you didn't contact me sooner to be honest

liampayne: You know i don't like drama.

liampayne: Even though that isn't even what i'm here to start

tonimahfud: Okay then, so what do I owe this pleasure of being in your 'presence'?

liampayne: Why the indirect on the instagram to start things up?

liampayne: I obviously don't care about you having greg for one of your photoshoots because he's a photographer and does it for heaps of people

liampayne: I just want to know what i have done to make you dislike me so bad? and use me like that when we were together?

tonimahfud: Well you know you didn't give me enough attention or affection

tonimahfud: You hardly helped with kickstarting my career

liampayne: Bullshit

liampayne: I tried to give you as much attention and affection— i DID

liampayne: But as soon as i had to do something for MY career for even just two seconds you went crazy at me

liampayne: You were only with me to start your career when you could have just simply asked instead of leading me on or whatever you want to call it

liampayne: I would have happily helped find you the best people in the industry to get you started

liampayne: I mean, i'm with hugo now as an ambassador am i not?

tonimahfud: See, for YOUR career which is as big as anything

tonimahfud: Not my itty bitty career that was yet to start

liampayne: Wtf???

liampayne: I feel like we'll need to actually talk in person so i can get it through your head by verbally telling you instead of in writing.

liampayne: Maybe then you'll actually understand how i'm feeling.

tonimahfud: Your poor boyfriend wouldn't get mad? :(

liampayne: He's the one we suggested to talk actually.

tonimahfud: I'm surprised, I feel as if he's the very clingy type 😂

liampayne: ...And you weren't?

liampayne: Look, i just want to finish this 'beef' we have with one another so that chapter can close

liampayne: Can you just do that one thing for me?

tonimahfud: Fine.

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