Dam it Great!

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Dear Great_Day,

Stop fucking shitting on my couch. I have a fucking bathroom you fucking buffoon. I'm so sick and fucking tired of cleaning your unhealthy shits off of my FABRIC COUCH. There are so many shit stains on it that I'm going to have to buy a new fucking couch. Are you fucking kidding? You're making me buy a new couch because you can't get off your lazy ass and sit it on a toilet and take a shit in the toilet. OH NO THAT'S TOO FUCKING HARD. Next time I find a shit of yours on my couch, I'm finding it and fucking throwing it at you, you lazy motherfucker. I'm so done with this. I have enough fucking stuff to pay for, now you're making me fucking pay for a new couch. What's next, the oven? The table? Oh boy! I wonder what's next! Get your fucking act together you lazy cunt

Fuck you


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