Chapter Two

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Campers were assigned to their cabins after meeting back at the flagpole at the main grounds. Alison, Lauren, and I were all appointed to separate cabins.

"We are all in separate cabins," said Alison. "I don't like strangers. What are we going to do?"

I gazed at Alison. I certainly didn't like strangers either. We needed to do something. "Where do I go to ask?" I wondered.

"Let's go ask my counselor," Lauren suggested. "Let's check out my cabin, maybe she's there." We walked up the hill to Girls Cabin C.

"I love it up here," said Alison, looking around and breathing in the air. "You can see the whole campground." We walked into the cabin, which was rustic and had two sets of bunk beds, a writing desk with a lamp, a built-in bookshelf, and an ensuite bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower. Lauren's counselor, Tonya, was sitting at the writing desk. When she saw us, she got up.

"Hi, I'm your counselor, Tonya," she said, and she explained her role. She was there for support, encouragement, and to answer any questions we might have. She would direct anything she couldn't answer onto a superior. She would help us manage our time and schedules, and make sure we were functioning well.

"Okay, I'm Alison, and my friend Jenni and I want to switch into this cabin. I'm currently in Cabin A, and she's currently in Cabin D."

Tonya explained we'd have to talk to Simon, who was busy right now, but then we happened to see Simon outside just by chance.

I ran outside with everyone in tow to speak with Simon. I was nervous, but I wanted to get my own way more, and I was less intimidated by adults.

"Excuse me, Simon. I don't know anyone here, and I'm nervous. Could you put me in a cabin with Lauren and Alison? I met them on the bus, and I got to know them a little, at least."

Simon checked his watch and then, looking over his glasses, gave me a half-smile and took me back to his office. He offered me a seat, and I waited patiently as he flipped through several schedules and documents and then smiled up at me. My heart was pounding in anticipation. If I could pull this off, the girls would really like me.

"What was your name again? I'm sorry. This is a hectic day." He chuckled.

"Jenni Easton. It's for Alison Perry as well."

He searched through his documents. "And what cabin did you want to switch into?"

"Cabin C."

Simon's eyes got wide, then he tapped a document and smiled. "Ah, yes. I can put you in Girls Cabin C, yes. The camper who was assigned to that cabin is a no-show so far."

I beamed. "That's great. Thank you, Simon. What about Alison Perry?"

"Oh, no problem. If you need anything else, just give one of the counselors or myself a shout. Miss Perry will have to come to see me herself."

I nodded, running back to the cabin to tell the other girls the great news. Alison scowled and stalked off to find Simon.

At lunchtime, as I munched excitedly on my food, I gazed hopefully up at the high wooden ceilings in the dining hall. Did the future hold good things, now that I was in a cabin with these two girls and had a crush on a boy at camp?

Alison came running at us. "I'm in!" she squealed. "The other girl was late and she agreed to switch!"

"Oh, great!" Lauren punched the air victoriously. "This is going to be awesome!"

"Perfect!" I said, clinking my milk glass against Alison's. Lauren held her glass up, and we all clinked our milk glasses together.

It turned out that my first swimming lesson down at the lake was private. A counselor named Jimmy took me into the water one-on-one, and I did breathing exercises while standing in water up to my waist, to calm me down. There was no one else in the water, so that was one of my triggers eliminated right there, I had come to realize.

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