Chapter Three

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It was a glorious morning when the birds seemed to be singing just for me as I washed and dressed for the morning. I watched Lauren as she sat at the writing desk and applied makeup expertly. She was still beautiful without makeup. I looked over at Alison. She was still sleeping. She had on her makeup from the day before.

"Ew gross," I declared. "Alison doesn't wash off her makeup before bed."

"I know," said Lauren, looking at me conspiratorially. "She told me she only showers every few days, too, which is grody."

"Ew," I replied.

Lauren and I were walking to the dining hall for breakfast when I saw Cory approaching us. My heart started pounding in my chest.

"Hi, Jenni," he said, looking directly into my eyes. I couldn't believe it. When I met eyes with Cory, I felt like I was in heaven. On cloud nine. He was so handsome, and his eyes were so blue, and he was in front of me.

My legs felt weak, and I stumbled and had to steady myself. "Hi Cory," I said weakly, and I realized I was breathless as I spoke.

But then Cory turned to face Lauren. "Lauren, will you go to tonight's dance with me?" he asked her.

"No, I won't!" Lauren fumed. "You were supposed to ask Jenni out. What happened to that, huh?"

Cory looked around nervously, then hung his head. I knew he'd been put up to asking me out to begin with, and that Lauren was who he really wanted, so he couldn't help but ask her at the last minute. But wasn't Alison supposed to tell him that Lauren hated him? Maybe he didn't believe it. Or perhaps I was just chopped liver.

"Come on, Jenni," Lauren said, pulling me away. The two of us started walking to the dining hall. I don't know what propelled me to move because I felt like I was outside my body. Like I was watching everything happen from the sidelines.

"I'm sorry, Jenni," said Lauren, wincing.

"It's not your fault," I said, reviewing the scenario in my mind again and again.

"Cory's a wimp, Lauren declared.

No, Cory's infatuated with you, Miss Perfect. Why do you have to look like this? I thought.

"He's not!" I yelled, suddenly hating both of them.

"Okay," said Lauren reassuringly, patting me on the shoulder. "Whatever you say, Jenni." I noticed that her nails appeared to be professionally done. Everything about her was perfect. No wonder Cory liked her.

As Lauren and I lingered near the entrance of the dining hall, suddenly Cory rushed at me and grabbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Jenni. I couldn't help it. I'm a dumb ape. Will you go out with me?"

I pulled away from his grasp. "Oh, yeah? Just because Lauren turned you down?" I scoffed. It was so weird to be mad at him, with my heart pounding and butterflies in my stomach.

"No, I want to go out with you," said Cory shyly, positioning his face close to mine.

I was charmed by the sudden intimacy. What a gorgeous face. I couldn't be angry with Cory. I didn't even know him, but I'd already built up a fantasy about him in my mind. In the illusion, he was a Knight in Shining Armor with perfect manners and a hopeless romantic who wanted to rescue me from my life of misery. In keeping with my fantasy version of him, I was prepared to gloss over his mistakes.

"You do?" I asked, melting.

"Yes!" Cory affirmed, smiling.

"Oh, then I'd love to . . ."

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