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"Baby, stop"
Jackson puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms, looking away from Jaebeom who was sat next to him, their bodies so close they shared body heat between them.
"Baby, this is a date ok? Just relax and stop getting fussy and sit in my lap!" Jaebeom whined, trying yet again to pull the shorter man into his lap but failing as his grip on the mattress was too strong to pull him away.
"Hyung I already said that I'll crush you, I'm too big and heavy and Hyung doesn't need that" Jackson looked down at his fingers as he spoke, playing with them in his crossed legs and feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.
"Come here you big baby, you'll never be to heavy" Jaebeom chuckled, finally managing to pry Jackson away from his spot on the bed and pull him into his lap, a grin appearing on his face at the squeal Jackson let out. Jaebeom rested his chin on the other boys shoulder, looking over it at the movie playing on the old, cheap DVD player resting on the bed infront of them, the screen tilted up. They were watching beauty and the beast-Jacksons favourite-in relative silence, only the sounds of the movie and their breathing filling the air. It wasn't uncomfortable, the two had been friends for long enough for it to not be awkward, they could sit in the quiet comfortably. Maybe that's why Jaebeom liked Jackson so much.

"Jackson, sseunie baby, wake up, the movie ended" Jaebeom whispered into the boys ear, his legs feeling dead from Jacksons weight ontop of him for at least an hour straight. Somewhen during the movie, Jackson had slid down Jaebeoms chest a little, causing him to look down and notice him peacefully sleeping, his eyes tightly shut and his mouth slightly parted.
"Come on, let's get you home" Jaebeom gently slid the younger off of him and onto the bed, pulling himself up and stretching, his limbs making noises of complaint as he did so. Looking behind him he saw the younger looking up at him with wide, sparkling eyes, grinning sleepily still as his eyes instinctively fell shut again.
"You know when I sleep at a dates house it's usually for a different reason" Jackson giggled, rolling onto his side and pulling a pillow against his chest, his arms and legs wrapping around it. Jaebeom rolled his eyes and sighed, crouching beside the bed to meet Jacksons eyes.
"Did you have fun?"
"I fell asleep so..."
"Are you saying I'm boring?" Jackson giggled and pressed his face into the pillow, dodging the weak slap aimed at his arm by rolling onto his stomach, his cheek pushed into the mattress as he crushed the pillow beneath him. Jaebeom pinched his cheek, leaning in and kissing his forehead, grinning as the younger squealed and his cheeks turned pink.
"Jaebeommie hyungs a perrrverrt~" Jackson pouted, looking at the elder with wide puppy eyes. Laying on the bed next to him, Jaebeom pulled a cover over the two of them, shushing Jackson every time he tried to speak or anytime he whined.
"Guess you're staying now pup, you've stolen my heart and you can't leave until you give it back"

This chapter lowkey sucked haha

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