Deal 🤝

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{ Author's Pov }

"How can you just break up with Krystal? You dickhead!" Yuna shouted at Jungkook after Jungkook sweetly proposed Krystal to break up with him.

"Let me expla- " Jungkook tried to speak but was once again cut off by Yuna, who was just one minute away from chopping his head off of his neck.

"How can you just chicken out!? And not support your girlfriend at the time like this?" Yuna started cussing him, with all her might. While Jungkook just stared at Krystal.

"Stop it, you two!" Taehyung shouted because though Krystal had put on a brave front, he could see her eyes on the verge of tears.

"Explain." Krystal said in a low voice and hoped that they could her her and fortunately they did.

"I want to breakup for your own good, Krystal.." Jungkook sighed before completing.

Yuna was about to cut him off again as she thought that it was a lamest excuse she had ever heard in her whole life, but Taehyung held her hand, squeezing it a little, his way to calm her down.

Jungkook continued, "Krystal, you know I love you and always will.. nothing can change this no matter what. You are the best and most beautiful thing that ever happened to me but you can't marry someone when you're already in a relationship with someone else plus it's the right thing to do."

"Shut up you dickhead!" Yuna once again cursed at Jungkook, while this time Taehyung minded his own business which was staring at Krystal.

"He is right, Yuna. It's like I'll cheat on Jungkook and i don't wanna do that." Krystal sighed.

"But-" Yuna was this time cut off by Krystal.

"I never thought it will end up like this." The tears that she was holding in for so long couldn't be contained anymore.

There was silence between them. No, it wasn't an awkward one. It was more like a silence, no one was sure of. Krystal and Jungkook were thinking about their future and how they're going to get through it without being on each other's side.

Yuna was listening to all the shit they were talking about, faking that she doesn't care about it but some part of her knew that it's the right thing to do and she should break up with Taehyung too but she wasn't sure that she'll be able to endure it... that's what all the rebel was about.

Yuna was debating whether she should break up with Taehyung or not, after hearing and thinking about all the things that Jungkook and Krystal discussed while on the other side Taehyung was praying to God and cursing on Jungkook, for bringing the topic up because he knew that Yuna might break up with him and he didn't want that not even in million years.

"Some people are meant to fall in love with each other but aren't meant to be together." Yuna was the one broke the silence, three pairs of eyes were glued on her, cause they didn't expect something so deep from Yuna.

Yuna's lips then part with a sigh, a sigh primarily based on that feeling, that indescribable feeling she somehow can't put a name to.

"We should break up too, Taehyung!" Yuna suggested, smiling. Even though she is smiling, it was just for sake of Taehyung.

This was the damn thing I was scared about... Taehyung thought.

"Do we really have to do this?" Taehyung let out, a part of him expecting to hear a 'no'.

"Yes," Yuna replied as a tear escaped from her eyes.

"It hurts to let go, but in this case it will hurt more to hold on." Jungkook stated the obvious.

"One day, I hope we'll look back at this day, and will regret every single thing we did today to let it end, to let us end."

Everyone gave eachother an approving look and from inside they knew that they'll once again be together after this but will they be?

"So, it's a deal!" 

"After one year, we can get back together... if we're destined to be together."

"Ok guys, no more bullshit! I have to go now. Mom wants me home." Yuna said after checking her phone. She hugged Krystal and Jungkook after giving Taehyung a soft kiss on his cheek. She then left while the others waved at her, smiling.

"And Taehyung, don't try anything funny with Krystal." Jungkook said, playfully laughing but everyone knew that he was damn serious about it. Taehyung just nodded in response after glaring at Krystal who was blushing.

They then started talking about their dream jobs and their career since they've graduated from college and are ready to achieve something in their life. Jungkook and Taehyung were very clear that they'll be taking over their dad's companies while Krystal was still deciding whether she should help her dad in his business or pursue her career in fashion designing.

Jungkook then excused himself to take a phone call as it was urgent. He then afterwards bid goodbye from his friends and went, leaving Taehyung and Krystal alone.

As there was nothing left to discuss, since everyone left. Taehyung decided to take his leave but stopped in between as something came into his mind. He turned around and looked at Krystal who was doing something on her phone while sitting on the couch.

Everything was now good between Taehyung and Krystal after their conversation and it was like they can now be friends.

But Taehyung didn't want that. He always had fun pissing her off and didn't want it to change to some sweet, caring friendship.

He fake coughed to get her reaction and Krystal looked up at him, smiling. She wanted to sort everything out with him as they were going to spent a whole year together. But, her this plan was ruined before it even started.

"I forgot to say something." Taehyung said and her eyes lightened because she thought that he wanted to give a ride to her home. As Krystal was thinking how to response if he asked, because they weren't that comfortable with each other. But then Taehyung said something and her thoughts were ruined by it.

"Don't you dare to fall in love with me!"

She started hating him once again, started questioning herself that how can she even think that there can be something pure like friendship between them.

"I won't. Promise." She replied, getting disgusted by his tone.

"Don't make any promises that you can't keep, princess."

He smirked and left. She just looked at him as he walked away from me, leaving her behind.

How much I hate that boy... Krystal thought.

They decided that they should ignore each other and pretend that the other doesn't exist, but deep down inside them, they knew that it wasn't supposed to end up like this.

A/N -

A deal between two couples...

Now, what else could go wrong?

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