Heartbreak and Surprise

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A/N: Ik I said that the chapter before was going to be the Baby Shower but I forgot while I was writing it and I'm sorry but the baby shower will be the next chapter will be the Baby Shower
Matt's POV
I woke up with a terrible pounding in my head. I looked to my right and saw a blonde who was starting to wake up.
"Good Morning Matt."
"Um...who are you?"
"I'm Brittany."
I looked and I was naked and so was she.
Oh God No! This did not happen!! What is Leslie gonna say? I'm freaking out I have Leslie a promise ring and Promised to not cheat on her. Oh No I'm dead meat.
"Do you have any aspirins and water?"
"Yea do need some?" She asked.
"Yes please."
Once she left I got dressed and waited for her to come an give me the aspirins.
"Here you go." She placed the aspirins on the coffee table next to the bed.
I took the aspirins and drank the water.
"Brittany I'm leaving."
"Okay bye."
I got a taxi and went to Drakes house.
What am I going to tell Leslie? I won't get to take care of the kids. Hopefully she will understand.
"Yo Matt where did ya go las' night?" Drake asked.
"I was drunk and had it with a blonde named Brittany."
"Oh Bro you in some deep shit. Look on twitter."
"It's all over twitter."
He was right it was.
One of the articles read:
Matt Hunter was caught going to a hotel with a blonde. Sources say that they met at a club in Venice, CA. An insider says that Matt and blonde were making out and then were caught going to what we are guessing is the blondes apartment we think that Matt's one night stand might be pregnant but still aren't sure. What will girlfriend or should I say ex- girlfriend Leslie Gomez say? We don't know but stay tuned for mor info on our web site at www.TMZ.com
Leslie's POV
"How could he? He promised not to cheat on me." I sobbed
"Shhh Leslie it okay there is probably an explanation to this." Adriana said.
Charmaine and Cynthia had left last night after we finished watch 'If I Stay'.
I woke up and went on twitter to find and article I was never hoping to see. I started crying I heard
Footsteps coming; it was Adriana.
"Les what wrong?"
"Don't call me that." I snapped
Matt used to be able to calm me that.
"Okay but what's wrong?"
"Matt cheated on me."
"What? When? Why?"
"I don't know."
"Okay well I'm sure this has an explanation."
Yea well maybe there is or maybe he'll just lie to me and tell me something that's not true.
I heard a car pull into Matt's driveway.
I looked out the window it was Matt. Just great. Just fucking great. The door opened and Matt came into the room. I went to the closet and started packing my clothes while he was talking.
"Look listen Le-"
"- don't call me that." I snapped once again.
"Okay, listen Leslie it was a mistake I was drunk. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I'm sorry Leslie. I really am. Please forgive me."
"Please." He begged.
I looked into his eyes they were full of emotion hurt, honest, and sincere. Maybe he is telling the truth. I will forgive him.
"I forgive you Matt."
Matt smashed his lips on me.
"Thank you so much for understanding babe. I promise this won't ever happen again."
"I'm knackered can we go to sleep?" I yawned.
"Yea sure."
I woke up because the spot beneath me was wet. I got up an looked and my PJ pants they're wet.
Oh shit it's time.
"Matt wake up my water broke."
A pain shot through me. I groaned
"Hurry up!!" I yelled
"Go to the car turn it on while I get the stuff."
I tried to walk but I was in pain.
"Ahhh!" I screamed.
"Ready?" Matt asked getting in.
"Drive hurry the fuck up!! I'm in freaking pain."
"Okay okay." Matt put his hands up in surrender.
"I need a stretcher my wife is going into labor."
They got a stretcher and put me on it.
"Okay Mrs.Hunter you will give labor in about 3 1/2 hours."
"What? Why not now? I'm in pain!"
I snapped.
"We have to make sure the babie-"
"Shhh!" Matt told the doctor.
"Right, we have to make sure the baby is in the right position."
"Okay." I breathed.
"Mrs.Hunter are you ready?"
"Okay we're gonna count to 3 an then you push. Okay?"
"Yes got it."
I pushed as hard as I could.
"We see the head. Okay Leslie 2 pushed more and the your good."
I grabbed Matts hand and squeezed it he gave me a reassuring look.
"1...2...3...push." I pushed once more.
Okay last one. Lets get this sucker out.
"1...2...3...push." I pushed.
I heard a cry. Oh my god!! My baby!
"Leslie here is Nicole Lynnie-"
"Hunter Gomez." I interrupted.
" Nicole Lynnie Hunter Gomez."
Alright Leslie you did good now you can just lay here with your baby. I thought. I spoke to soon.
"Leslie ready to push out the other one?"
What? Que?
"Surprise!" Matt said.
"We're having twins." He said.
Oh great!
"Okay Leslie you ready?"
"Um... yea."
I heard another cry. My other baby!
"It's a boy."
"What would you like to name him?" A nurse asked.
"Nathan Levi Hunter Gomez." I said.
"Okay thank you we will wash him up and then well leave you alone with the babies."
I nodded.
"They're so precious." Matt said. He was holding Nikki and I was holding Levi.
"Here are the new parents." Abraham and Thia came in.
"Imma take a picture of the new family." Cynthia said.
Matt got closer. I smiled.
"1-2-3 cheese."
I looked at the picture and we looked like an actual family.
Matt's POV
(A/N: ik what y'all are thinking Finally)

I went on twitter and tweeted the picture of my family.
After like 2 seconds of posting the tweet my twitted blew up with comments and retweets.
"Aww the babies are so cute."
"They look so peaceful."
"Awwwww Congrats @matthunter123 and @iamlesliegomez!!"
I got up and asked Leslie for Levi.
She nodded and handed him to me.
"Yo, Abraham can you take another picture of my family."
Wow my family is so beautiful. I love them I couldn't have asked for anything better. Leslie is the best thing that has happened to me. My family is perfect.
The Hunter Gomez Family.

The End.
The name of the sequel is



I'm kidding this book still has like 20-30 more chapter and then the sequel. Which btw will be wayyyy longer than this book

Anyways yea.

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~mattsgotfuego 💕

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