Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Damian's POV

"Are you sure you can through with this? You're not going to back out at the last moment?" he asks for the hundredth time. 

"Yes! I've told you this before! I am not going to back out! I need the money." I replied. 

"Good. Now remember the plan. You go into the apartment at exactly 9:16, the door will be opened. Go forward and pass three doors. The fourth is the bathroom. Enter from the left side of the door so she can't see you. Don't forget that you have to move silently but de-" I interrupted.  

"Deadly. I know. We've been through this at least a million times. I have memorized the instructions off my heart, so much so that I can recite them in my sleep." I say as I stand up and start pacing around the room. "It would be a lot easier if I knew who I was to terminate. She will be in the bathroom at that time. She's been doing that for the past 4years. She will do it on that night too." as I finish he grins at me and waves his hand to dismiss me. 

Who knew, that I Damian Pedrosa would be so desperate for money, to kill innocent people? I know I shouldn't do but the £6000 is too much of a good offer to refuse. Plus my parents are dead, they died in a car accident a couple of months ago, I was left no money and I've disappeared off the face of the earth as far as anyone is concerned. I need the money to fend for myself, it'll last for a few months anyway, and I can worry about more money then.  

I glance at my clock. 5:53. Ok, that gives me enough time to go back to my place and change and maybe have a shower. The supplies that I need are already packed and triple checked, as they have been for 13months. The Unwritten Assassin took it very seriously. I wonder what the poor girl has done to anger him.  


Adeline's POV

As I'm walking towards my apartment, I hear a voice shouting behind me, as I turn I find myself face to face, well face to stomach, with a little girl. She's holding a scarf in her hand.

"Miss, you dropped this over there, I tried to get you to stop but you wouldn't; so I ran, Miss." the little girl says as she hands me the scarf.

I smile at her thankfully and reply, "Oh, thank you so much! I don't know what I'd have done if I had truly lost it. Here," I rummage through my bag for the unopened pack of gum I bought earlier, "have this. It's my way of saying thank you."

I then straighten up and look around for the little girl's parents. Seeing that no one seemed to be searching for a little child I bent down again and ask, "Where are your parents, darling? Aren't they going to be worried?"

The little girl looks down and just smiles. "I ran away, miss. I wish I hadn't but now I can't find them." she looks back up at me and seeing the sadness in her eyes I take her hand,

"What's your name? I'll help you find your parents." 

"Emily, miss."  

"You’re very polite Emily, my name is Adeline, come on then, when did you run away and from where did you run?" 

"From a park, I told mummy I was going onto the swing but I didn't, I just walked out of the park." she says as she starts skipping. Sometimes little kids amaze me, trusting complete strangers. At that moment I realize I was glad I had dropped my scarf so Emily could get back to her parents safely.  

"Do you remember which park?" I ask trying to think of any parks in the surrounding area.  

"No miss; it was the one down the road from our house. I always just called it the park."

"Ah ok, I'll just take you to the police station then, your parents are sure to have reported you missing." I say as we talk towards the town centre.  

"You’re taking me to prison, miss?" Emily asks clearly shocked.

I laugh as I respond, “No! Of course not! It's just where your parents are probably waiting." then seeing the horrified look on the little girl’s face turn even more horrified, I quickly add, "but of course they're not in prison either! Policemen do other jobs other than putting people in prison, they find people that go missing as well." the girl's face is an image of confusion and deep thought for a moment, but then deciding she's content with what I said, just smiles and continues to skip beside me. Within 10 minutes we reach the police station.

I explain what happened and they immediately call someone, even though they went behind a screen, I definitely heard a shout of relief come from the other line of the phone. As I made to go, Emily grabs my hand and pulls me back, “Don’t go Adeline, I don’t want to stay with these scary people." her big blue eyes looking up at me so innocently that I couldn't bring myself to say no. So I didn't, I sat back down and waited with her for her parents to arrive. 

It didn't take long. Her mum had blonde curly hair and she was very tall. Her figure was stunning. Right behind her was a man who looked quite amused as his wife ran up to her daughter and hugged her. The man was tall and well built, brown hair and blue eyes. The perfect couple. Then I realize he was walking towards me. He had a pleasant smile on his face so I smile back and reach my hand towards his to shake,

"Hi, my name is Adeline. Your daughter is eve-" he surprises me by just hugging me. He hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.  

"Thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you enough!" I then manage to pull away, as he continues, "our daughter means the world to us; we have been both franticly searching for her since this morning. Oh how may we ever repay you?" I laugh as I glance over at the mother and daughter.

"No need to repay me, I am happy that I was the one that crossed paths with your daughter and no one else. She is such a sweet girl; I'd hate the thought of her running into bad people. No need to repay me. Knowing the names of the people that the little darling is returning to would be nice though." 

"Oh yes, of course! How rude of me! My name is Michael and better half is called Caroline." I shake his hand and then shake Caroline's hand as she comes up to me with her daughter on her hip.  

"Thank you, I hope we can keep contact after this, I am ever so grateful for finding my daughter." Caroline says as she pulls out a card from her inner jacket pocket. 

"I would love that. But I'm afraid I really must get going, if I don’t start walking soon it'll be dark." 

"Oh let us drive you. Do you live far?" Michael asks.

"No, not really and thank you but I only live 20minutes away. I'll be fine. I really must go, it was lovely meeting you." and bending down slightly so I’m eye level with Emily, I say, "and you sweetie mustn't run away again. You see how worried your parents were. See you soon!" I say as I turn to walk out.

"Thank you!" the couple replied together. 

As I walk out of the building, I start walking back towards my apartment. In fact I would've liked a lift but I don't really want many more “thank you's”. 

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