Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to You :)

Hey, sorry for the short chapters, I've worked really hard on this chapter to make it longer, hope you enjoy :D please vote or comment or even fan if you like my story :D if you don't then please message me or comment telling me how to make it better :) thanks...

P.S. I find it easier writing from Damian's point of view for some strange reason, hope you don't mind it. Also not proofread so sorry for any mistakes.

P.P.S. I won't put up the next chapter until I get at least 20reads on both chapter 4 and 5, as that way it feels as if people are actually reading what I write :)


Damian's POV

"Ok, here you go. Remember, acting is the-" the man that had been introduced to me as Tom Farst an hour ago, said as we made to go out of the door with the pristine documents in our backpacks. Adeline being the impatient person she is interrupts him.

"The key to success, I know, I've been told many times before." She smiles back at him. "Thank you, Tom. We'll leave the country within 24 hours. Are you sure that the documents won't be classed as fake?"

"Yes, I'm positive. They are real, honest."

They go through the last minute details whilst I just zone out. We've had to change our names and appearance. I was now Victor Aransez, a Spanish man, whose parents moved here before he was born. They however died whilst he was young and he grew up with his aunt. However they are all dead now anyway so they won't be able to try and contact anyway if they did find us out which I doubt they would. My new appearance is not that different from my old one; however I'm now blond ugh. Not my idea. And I don't have long-ish hair any more either. I'm also being forced to shave every day so there is no way that anyone would be able to tell that I'm not really blond.

Adeline though, wow, just wow. Who knew she could look even more beautiful than before? She has got blue highlights in her hair and she's wearing blue contacts. We've agreed we'll pose as a young couple travelling the world and even though Adeline is not happy dying her natural black hair blue, she realized it was necessary to keep up appearances. Her new name, which I suggested, is Phoenix Thacker. She's the one that wanted an unusual name anyway. I think as I smirk to myself. A gentle voice stops my thoughts.

"Come on, 'Victor', we have a plane to board." Adeline Excuse me, PHOENIX! Oh yeah. Phoenix smiles and takes my hand. Oh yeah. We're a 'couple' now. Hmm, I could have some fun with this.

"Coming, 'Phoenix'." I smirk at her. She mumbles something that sounds a lot like 'Last time I'm letting you choose'. "What was that, love?" Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to have fun with this. I think as we step in the car that they also provided for us.

"Just shut up and drive. You have a lot of driving to do if we're to get there on time." I do as I'm told but just as I'm about to start driving, I realize that actually, I didn't know how to get there.

"Uhh, Adeline." She shoots me glare and I quickly correct my mistake, "I mean Phoenix, how do we get there? I've never been to this part of England. I don't know how to get to the airport...."

A small laugh exits from her mouth before she replies, "Sorry, I forgot about that. Tom gave me a GPS just in case, even though I know England like the back of my hand." Adeline then reaches for the glove department, why is it called a glove department? It's not like anyone puts gloves in there, and takes out the GPS.

"Do you know how to set it up or do you need me to do that too?"

"I'm not a complete imbecile." I inwardly sigh as I reach and across and take it from her hands. My hand brushes against hers ever so slightly and it sends shivers rippling through me. For a brief moment I wonder if she felt it too. Stealing a glance at her makes me realize that no, she hadn't. Disappointment then replaces the hope and I return back to the task at hand. Setting up the GPS.

"What's the postcode of the airport? And shouldn't we have some sort of baggage if we went abroad...on a couple...?" I smile as I add the last part.

"Oh don't look so smug. Just because we have to act as a couple on the outside doesn't mean we have to be a couple. As soon as this funny business is over, we are going separate ways, understood?" She looks at me for approval and when I nod she continues, "So don't try anything funny like in my apartment. But you're so gorgeous is not an excuse either, got it?" Adding the last sentence after sensing the argument I was going to put forward.

"Yes ma'am." I reply with a sheepish grin. Don't be such a fool. You knew she was going to say that. What were you hoping for? A relationship with the girl you were sent to kill? Yeah, right. In your dreams, buddy. Now drive dude. Changing gears I set out and then realising she still hadn't answered my question about the luggage.

As if reading my mind, Adeline says: "But you're right. We need to have more luggage than our backpacks. Especially if we are to go to holiday to Spain. And we'll need bikinis and such things. Well, I will."

"So should I try and find a shop first where we can get suitcases and clothes? How about sportsdirect? They've got suitcases and we can get some stuff from there. And anything we don't find there then we can buy in Spain. How about that?"

"Sportsdirect, sportsdirect...hmm. Ok I suppose we can't be picky right now."

*2hours later*

Adeline's POV

We've been in Sportsdirect for over 40 minutes now. Just because Damian couldn't choose which shirt he wanted. The blue checked one or the white striped one. For god's sake! It's a t-shirt man! Buy them both. Just then I decide to tell him so.

"Just buy them both! It's not like either of them look good anyway!"

Looking somewhat offended he replies, "Hey! I like them! You don't understand males, do you?"

"No, because there is nothing to understand. No brain...nothing too complicated to understand. Now go. Pay. Now." He is such a girl. I hate that he's had to dye his hair blond but it's the only way we could think of changing his appearance. But because it was my idea he got to pick what new name I used. So I got stuck with Phoenix. Don't get me wrong, I love the name, it just gives me the feeling that he wants me to just to anger him, I highlighted my hair blue. Not that I like it either, but you know, we have to pretend we're a bit wacko.

Just then he comes back carrying more shopping bags than I'd ever bought in my entire life and a big grin on his face.

"You look like a kid on Christmas Day that got the toy he wanted and the newest thing everyone wants as well as money!" I laugh as I grab some of his bags, as I'd only bought a few items. Compared to how much he bought anyway.

"No, this is better than any Christmas I've ever had! Woooo!!! Let's go! I can't wait to get to Spain now." Damian runs towards the car like a lunatic laughing his head off. Catching a giggle bug I start laughing with him. We put the clothes into the suitcases then put them in the boot and Damian starts driving again.

I turn on the radio and we start singing along to "Bruno Mars-Runaway baby"

"Run Run runaway, runaway baby, before I put my spell on you! You better get get getaway getaway darling, cause everything you heard is true!" By this point we're both in giggles and we can't seem to stop.

Damian suddenly stops and I look at him.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you laughing?" oh please don't look so sad, a frown really doesn't suit you. What am I saying? I shake my head ridding myself of this thought.

"Nothing, I was just-never mind." Damian replies whilst looking straight ahead.

I really want to ask what he was thinking about so I just leave it.

The rest of the ride to the airport was in silence.


Now that I've confused all of you, what do you think?

Where in Spain would you like them to go?

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Here's the link the that song:

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