Chapter One

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Author's Note: First time doing a self insert story so bear with me please. This is dedicated to Ruqayyahhh_101. This is my second Hazbin Hotel fic. 


Hair Color (H/C)

Hair Style (H/S)

Eye Color (E/C)

Your Name (Y/N)

Last Name (L/N)

Favorite Food (F/F)

Favorite Drink (F/D)

Favorite Color (F/C)

Favorite Type of Clothes (F/T/C)


First day of collage. Y/N felt nervous but excited at the same time as she shifted her book bag over her shoulder and let out a breath through her nose. She had studied long and hard to get to the collage she wanted to go since freshman year in high school. 

She was among the few that didn't have to study much to get perfect grades but she did it anyway, mostly because she loved to read.  Her favorite was (Pick your favorite genre). 


She looked up and smiled, seeing her friends and waved at them. "Hey! Ready for class?" 

Nate grinned. "Got that right."

"It's gonna be a blast!" Trisha said giggling. "I can't believe we're in collage. We're, like, freshman in high school again!"

Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled. "Basically the same thing. Anyway, what classes do you have?"

"Art" Nate grinned.

"Chemistry" Trisha said smiling. She was the typical blond haired, blue eyed, slim body type and loves fashion but never would you have guessed that she loved chemistry.  

"What about you?"

"Um..." You blushed lightly. "History on Supernatural." 

Nate and Trisha shared a look and laughed. 

"Go figure!"

"Hey! Don't mock me!" She  pouted, folding her arms across her chest. Y/N loved the supernatural and did since she was a child. 

"We should have guessed that you would be taking that class" Nate smirked. "It suits you big time." 

The bell rang.

"Oops, time to go!" 

The three friends raced off to their classes, waving and calling out plans for meeting at lunch.

Y/N ran to her class, clutching her bag. She dodged students and found her classroom, running inside. 'Phew' she thought. 'Made it.' She found a spot and sat down at a table, pulling out her books and notebook. 

More students wandered in and soon did the Professor. 

Class seemed to drag on but Y/N loved every minute of it, taking down notes. One part of the lecture caught her attention. 

"Radio Demon."

Her professor continued on about the demon as if he was real, telling about the deaths that had occurred when he showed up and even showed a picture of the demon and it was terrifying. The demon's eyes looked like white hot coals burning, fangs revealed in a death like smile, taunting the viewers. 

Some of the girls let out a whimper. 

Y/N stared in fascination. Yes she was scared but at the same time she wasn't. 

Before she knew it, class had ended. Gathering up her books, she headed to the professor. "Professor Yang? Is there anything else about the demon at the library?"

Mr. Yang is a older man with graying hair and slightly wrinkled face. He turned to look at her and gave a kind smile. "Why? Are you looking for extra credit?" he joked. 

Y/N frushed, feeling embarrassed. "Eh? No not really. I want to learn more about him in my free time. He seems interesting."

"He was," He gently corrected her. "He's been dead for years but yes he was an interesting fellow. He was a radio talk show host before he died. You can find more at the library. Just don't take it too seriously though." 

She raised a brow but nodded. "Okay" she said. "Thank you sir!" With a quick wave, she ran out of the room. She couldn't go to the library yet as she had to deal with her other classes first but she was itching to find the book. 

Unaware of the nightmare she would soon find herself in. 

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