Chapter Two

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Y/N walked across campus and headed to the library. It was practically quiet. Did anyone bother to read anymore? She wondered and let out a sigh. She headed to the computer to look up the Radio Demon and surprisingly only found one item that matched her search. A single book that was in the dark arts section of the library. Wait, since when did the library have a dark arts section? She shrugged and wrote down the number she needed. 

It took her ten minutes before finally reaching her destination and another ten minutes to find the actual book. "Finally!" she said sighing and reached for it. Her fingers barely touched the rough and leathery spin when she felt something burn her skin. "Ow!!" Snatching her hand back, she saw her fingertips were slightly red. 

"What the hell?" she wondered and reached for it again, expecting to get burned again but nothing happened. Had she imagined it? Y/N shrugged and grabbed the book, looking at the cover. The image is that of a old radio microphone with an eye on the middle piece. "Whoa. So cool." The eye seemed to have life of it's own as she could have sworn it winked at her. 

"Um...right. Must be some sort of mechanism in the book." Yes she loved the supernatural but she didn't always believe that problems that seemed weird was caused by ghosts and demons. She sat down on the floor and opened the book, looking through the pages. Each page has clipped out articles about Alistor in his earlier days as a radio show host. The information caught her attention as she kept reading. 

She was more than half way through the book when she she stopped on a page. It looked like a demon summoning ritual. The once bright red ink had darken over the years but the words are readable. Why would someone put a summoning ritual in a book? It wasn't covering any other information. It looked like it had been put there intentionally. 

"Weird..." Y/N murmured, running a single finger over the circle.  She frowned lightly as she turned the page and saw there was more information about the summoning circle. "Makes no sense." 

She knew she would need more time to look through the book and sitting on the floor was making her butt go numb. Y/N stood up and dusted her butt off before grabbing her things and headed to the checkout counter. Once that was done, she headed off to a her dorm room. She had the full day to herself with no other classes.

"Now, time for some reading."

Plopping onto the bed, she got to reading, delving deeper into the nightmares of Alistor. 

Author's Note: I know it's short but the next chapter will be longer!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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