Phase 1 - Burden

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I sat there , on my desk and scanned each of my acquaintances . Noting down every detail in my mind . All over again .
It was recess  , all of them enjoying their time with their mates sharing snacks , others walked in and joined them minute by minute while here I was , never noticed nor spoken to ,Everytime its the same.......tch , so annoying ..
<Later >

The crowds got more intense with every passing minute one person pushing the other , a crazy cycle indeed . Part of this crowd was a short girl struggling just as much as anyone else . The end of it was so close and yet seemed soo far.
This was always Oda's most hated part of the day ...the most dreadful , most annoying - Crowds
Finally after great effort the said girl reached her destination - the bus stop . Intently following the short girl were a pair of eyes which were followed by smirks of mockery . Not very unusual really ,quiet common .

Upon reaching home Oda plopped down on the bed her body began to ease down and relax , it was not long until she passed out , only to wake up the next morning
Wait ...what about homework ?
....Shit !
There she was , Oda Dalen out of the class as she didn't want to face the wrath of the professor . She hadn't completed her project that had been due for the past week. She didn't want to give her classmates more reasons to despise her . She wasn't arrogant like they thought she was , she just kept to herself because her and their personalities didn't match , they simply didn't get along .It puzzled her .
Life seemed bleek, everyday was all the same . One would find it hard to point out the differences between each day of the week of Oda 's life .
She absolutely hated it ....but what could she do , she was helpless

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